now like every week not do hm, then is rush sia reports, if not mugging for block test.
not even one day to rest :O
just realise physics sia draft due next week.
then cl sia FULL report week 8!
alamak die already. and next week got maths, bio block test.
then got CHEM SPA! how good if it is really go there and spa can.
and i think next wed our inter league team got self trng. cos chuanling say mslin say can organise to pei yang mo qi.
tt means my spa going to die :(
and nxt tue i cant go for trng cos i got chem e car trials....
every weeek i will tell myself "aiyo next week damn busy, how to survive!?"
do everything until no meaning already.
got back chem ppr. teacher was beside me then she just POMP the ppr on by table and i got a shock lol. the marks were sort of good but i dont know why i dint feel happy, elated or even ecstatic. i think even if i got higher marks i also dont know what to feel.
hmm trng.
beep test :O
the thing tt i feared most out of all the warm ups.
was damn scared cos my stamina deproved alot and suddenly run, dont know can even hit 7 anot.
then ms lin suddenly say "jolene you better run 8.5 ah! if not extra 5 rounds arnd the track!"
and of cos my jaw dropped like :OOOOOOOOO
i dint know cos i looked no-confident or scared. or maybe like what chuanling said, it was just expectations.
hit 8.7. i really ran till my legs went jelly and i couldnt feel anything.
and i really heaved a big sigh of relief when i heard the unclear ang moh eloquent voice said "8.5 BEEP"
then latr split into 3 grps.
my group have jingwen, ziwei, chuan, xiuyi,lingting, shuyi, geraldine, me.
then had team ball drills also.
bleh i think the court part i really dint go all out.
like i run run then suddenly stop running.
then rushed down to guitar lesson and i see all the notes want to sleep already :(
heh i shall go do my ih assignment.
tmr warm up 2.4km.
everybody is tired at this period.
but the only solution is to keep moving on even though it is a endless path or journey.
just remember that there are ppl who want to learn but they have disabilities or they cant.
and here we are complaining about learning.
what a teacher said is true. now knowledge is vry cheap. just click on google and everything is there.
{ 6:08 AM }
heh i shall post pictures so no need say too much words.
ih was screwed up. i think i failed cos i wrote the wrong other factor. argh
then now super lot hm.
realised math is right before bio like just this week.
last recrea team trng seemed quite short. took many pics after tt. and the jumps shots were quite funny. is not i slow reaction is i jump too fast! tts why im on the ground on the pic.

after assembly:) quite cool. like the sky is so bright with many human below. like we vry ignorant to actually what is happening in the real world. quite true in a way la. cos we everyday study study study, like alot of things in the world we dont know. maybe for me.

shannon and her chiong wong wong snail! with her oil blotter on her nose lol.
went to amanda house on wed to visit her cos she sick:)
haha we vry nice right:)
then vry long nv see skyboy(her dog) also
and skyboy turned out VERY BIG! :O
wonder what amanda fed him. and skyboy welcomed us straight away even before we enter the house by going arnd our legs hah. so cute.
so amanda was eating pizza upstairs then actually want scare her in her room one.
hehe her room vry big and nice and windy:D

skyboy grabbing and licking shannon's leg, thinking of the wrong thing...vry fat right skyboy

so cute:D look like elvis presy lo. the hair hor totally cover the eyes, wonder how it sees things.


shannon carrying restless skyboy.

skyboy in the air! he kept jumping and jumping when we went near him LOL.

hahah browsed through old pics and founds this vry funny:D vry cute also hehe. this is amanda tan wei mun!

one year ago the skyboy jumping! he so small right last time.
and last time can see his eyes xD

hahaha amanda face is DAMN funny. laugh like siao when i see her facebook lol. corkeye and weird tongue.
today shannon came my house to do ih sia and ate dinner heh:) and her tanline is the number 492 cos she go run biatholon then quite funny.
trng starting next week...then have to rush up after tt cos guitar at 7. woah means need bring guitar to school...
amanda tan choose same sabs as me!!!!!!!!
{ 7:04 AM }
well done nynb b'div:D
1st in zonals, 2nd in nationals!
the whole nynb is vry proud of yall:)
got back la results ytd. ok la nv fail can already. at first i see 21/20 then i HUH?! in the end is write wrongly lol><
today was super tired i dont know why. is the real tired and the tiredness of coming to school to study and face all the work.
assembly was abit sleeping.
then pccg i was falling alsleep and i slept for like 10 min drng physics lesson after tt. i just cant stop my eyelids from closing bleh.
LOA 1115. but i left at 1145 cos i abit scared of ms chen.
in the end she mistaken tt i was competing and she said good luck xD
went to take a look at the netball noticeboard. actually the previous one quite ok leh.
played court and my shoes were conducting heat and it was super super HOT and burning D:
then set off for bedok hah.
i suddenly in the bus totally sian diao. like shit i have "2 chem ws, FN 2, cc2 ws, ih sia, chem sia, STUDY FOR IH TEST" then arghhhhhh damn it. im so gonna die this weekend and next week. somemore trng are resuming nxt week....and our chem e car the wheel came off so need buy the REAL type of wheels...
then just kept worrying until i think i vry no efficiency, then i started to "emo" or sth. pissed, frustrated, helpless, irritated. i was partially tired also. i watch the matches until want to sleep. then of cos until nanyang match jumped up!
lol i dint know shannon & her teammates came to support till chuan told me><
haha yuxuan and cheryl were interviewed by mediacorp ppl then like quite funny.
went back with shannon cos need buy car wheel.
lol walked one whole big round and finally find the bus stop tt jnrs were at cos we were sort of lost.
bought all the materials and i guess mon can try le:)
arghh i want finish all my hm by today. then memorise by sunday. cos mon, tue , wed i all not free. my ih sure fail.
really feel like slacking off from every single thing now.im really exhausted every where.
{ 7:08 AM }
today i dint put my foot out of the house even one time, i only close the window (cos it rained)
woke up thinking it was sat, so on the tv wanted to watch doreamon o__o
and then come out i dont know what. so disappointing.
i remember last time i k1, k2 tt time when there was no kids central,
930 got batman one. then after tt is barney. and last time the cartoon vry nice one lo.
now like all so lame and not interesting, not funny, not thrilling, not cute.
somemore they talk tt time cannot hear.
now i think got....spongebob square pants, jimmy neutron, fairly odd parents, mr bean, tom and jerry nice only i think.
and how come now no teletubbies already. become care bear. then the care bear so many colours then the stomach got rainbow one :O and i think not as cute and nice as teletubies but then popular got so many leh.
now also no winnie the pooh the honey bear and tiger which always pong pong pong one.
then no roadrunner also :(
lol suddenly write about drama xD
heh next week is chem. die man. cos the bondings i dint get it right last year beginning of year....
i miss like 4,5 hrs lessons of chem and 3,4 hrs history lessons ><
dint do well for chem blocks tt term. 26/40. almost failed and i think i got phobia after tt..even though sec1 i got 38/40 for chem lol.
and IH is worst. there is so much things. but can extract but scared never take impt points. dilemma when writing notes. and i think im rewriting notes-.-
i dont want to study. who dont wants. but studying is impt. i dont even know what i want to be next time...
i want to be a doctor i think but need many years of studying D:
buisness? i not crafty and calm and effiecient enough.
actually i want to be forensic, work for police to solve crimes one:D
but singapore also nth much murder so no $$
practices guitar just now...tried sight reading. can la but slower cos the lines so close to each other all look the same then i will HUH?! whats tt tau gay note?
practice "the gay parade" cos teacher say go back play.
then my mom started playing with the guitar and she pluck the string ! as in pluck it upwards LOL.
yaye bdiv won rgs 26-13:D
i think the defenders and midfields did vry well in defending. can see it was more of a defence game and they did nanyang proud!:)
mon 1030 got Leave Of Absence again! but woah miss so many lessons xD but really crucial match so it is worth it!
to think of it, the REAL trngs are going to start in like 3 weeks....
and im feeling scared. really scared. im scared of the stress.
cos i dont think i can go to the standard yuxuan, cherynn,zhengliang, jiaen, shihui are at now.
it takes great determination and perserverance to go to tt high standards.
people say dont look down on yrself before you even try.
but words are just words. trying it yrself is even more difficult.
and as snrs, we must like lead jnrs and have vry good trng attitude so tt they will have also. sort of influence them.
and 2.4km every trng. beep test. 400m under 1min45sec (2 sets). 5 rounds(one run one jog). suicides. long short long.
it is good for stamina but everytime i go through these, it is mentally struggle especially 2.4km and beep test. cos like want to improve then must push and push my limits.
my reactions so slow somemore. like ball come, i take 1 more second then ppl to realise it is coming...
and then! im the shortest circle defender! lingting, liyi, zhi yi, shuyi even taller than me can :(
okay so i must aim to jump higher and at the right time!
and drink more milk. but i only drink soya milk -->calcium lesser, grow slower.
lol dont know what i talking here. shall go do some work...
{ 7:25 AM }
shall post since i dont feel like studying yet...
ytd morning run was quite tiring><
like want to push but cant push.
and i had constipation throughout the run.
the brown "it" could be felt in my large intestine :o
played court after tt and i think it was quite nua for me and shihui.
cos we threw jelly-like passes at each other but was quite funny :D
i perspired alot alot then like super dehydrated.
and we got back our cl ppr :O so fast one. i remember last time wanglaoshi mark vry long one and you feel more secure cos like more meticuluous the way she mark although she vry strict.
dont know i should be satisfied or disappointed.
satisfied cos i passed. disappointed cos it wasnt a nice pass. but if i dint expect to pass in the first place, why would i be bothered whether the results are good. haiyo i also dont know. if you get sth, you still want more and more and more.
this greed makes me more disappointed and feel lousy about myself.
but i guess this greed will help and push me into working harder the next time and following exams.
the first type of greed is acting on me now. i dont dare to see the marks of the paper. the red colour stuffs on my cl ppr. pian duan shuo xie i got 10 :(
actualy the first thing ppl normally do after looking at their marks is looking arnd asking for ppl's score. i dint really dare to look arnd but i did ask ppl. i told myself i cannot compare with the lowest cos it is running away from reality and i wont be able to improve. but i dont know how to improve.
haiyo dont talk about tt thing already. i think sec3 results affect me alot alot more.
at night went for guitar lesson with shannon and amanda.
lol i brought the revision exercise book mathematics instead of my guitar book !
then i alamak! cos i flip open, expecting those tao gay appearing here and there, everywhere,
THEN i saw QUADRATIC GRAPHS, and i stone a while and realise i brought maths.
i need practise alot more cos i cant read notes and my jie zhou gan no good.
and tt piggytan i think she learn super fast. cos she covered our last week one and catching up with us already :D
today nth much happen. tmr going down to support nynb against rgs:) yaye got LOA. really hope they will win! if nynb become 1st in zonals, 1st in nationals, it will be super cool:D like can go arnd and say how good and zai nanyang netball is:)
okay i think i go and do big buisness then start studying heh.
{ 5:44 AM }
woah slept vry early at like 9+ ytd ><
so today woke up quite early.
yaye ih exam is postponed:D
the essay i totally dont know how to do.
today when it was announced through the speaker, shannon screamed lol. i think she squeaked.
chinese exam.i finished summary in 3min -.- i think tt part sure fail already cos i just anyhw take points tt i think was right...hope i dont fail again D:
hmm then cant remember much le.
after stayed back with jingwen and chuanling cos i dint feel like going home....
actually is cos i dont feel like moving my butt cos it was quite nua.
i tried shooting with netball at the basketball hoop for a while heh.
then i just stoned and stared at the jnrs trng.
got 1 sec one i think she should put in more effort. cannot cos she tall then dont run. aiya dont know.
went back with amanda after tt :)
oh i took my ic le. and it looks weird.
wed trng was ok. dint have sprints so hehe not as tiring.
then i bluff shannon tt i register her name and tania name for the NYSUPERSTAR for ballroomdancing and singing xD then she got a shock of her life LOL. and she rushed up to leting's class right after the last lesson hahahaha. super funny hehe. anw if they really need go and compete, it would be vry funny:)
thurs i forget le.
i think i was quite tired and i slept drng cl class with shannon haha.
fri nth much also. assembly tt time the sec1s parents were super noisy like auties in the market like tt...
then pccg was about going silver centre. not really looking forward to it this year. maybe it is with whom i doing with. i want 205 back :(
chem. i guess we are at least learning sth now. term 1 we totally nv really do anything.
recess stayed back for physics and i was super hungry so i got a bit pissed. sorry amanda>< and thanks for buying food for me :)
bio quiz. i think i going to fail it. arg the lock and key hypothesis. 2marks fly until the mountain of dont know where already :(
lunch amanda had lunch prac. so changed into pe shirt and played basketball with shannon in the hall:)
then was cl after tt. totally dint have the mood to do the bao zhang bao dao.. so we were super noisy xD
talking to xiong yue xiaolei vanessa weishan and shannon.
then what banana thing become super funny.
i think i asked xiong yue sth like "do you like to eat banana?" (in the wrong way of cos)
then she "WHY NOT?" with her hands up. then it was super funny:D
i think xiongyue vry funny hahaha. cos she quite big sized then her water bottle is super small.
then i asked her "why yr water bottle so small?"
she said "cos i so big ma, then must act cute"
i totally laugh like siao.
after cl was la. haha free period!
then we were discussing about tsktsk SHIRT. so it is black :D
i think we were vry noisy cos after school 305 and 307 ppl say can hear our voices :O
then chuanling say she heard me say "i dont want pink colour one. i want rainbow one!"
and cheryee say she wanted to go over and smack us cos they had maths lessons.
trng ytd was quite tiring i guess.
3 suicides. i think i used to running it till i not scared need run already. then nxt time ms lin ask us run wont so worried:D but i still need improve my stamina ahh...
trained stomach muscles. crunches and the ball thingo. aiyo i think i grew fatter cos ytd do like quite pain. normally i do crunches wont pain one><
then medicine balls. hand was quite pain too:(
today dint have ma bu or static hold.
oh ya shit. i made joey sprained her ankle D:
cos we were fighting for a lob then she got the ball already.
but i couldnt stop in time so my whole body banged into her.
she lost balance and then both of us fell down. but she banged right into pole and sprained her ankle. alimama joey better get well soon! if you need ice i will go GO help you take:)
then ptm the food was gone before we could eat anything:(
ahhh not fair:( but the asian delight auntie gave me a free cha ye dan:D
took 74 wiht amanda to amk hub and ate cup noodles xD
reached home arnd 840 and was scolded ><
then i slept then now posting. latr must do work le. and amanda tan is still sleeping PIGHEAD!!
haha i go play guitar a while first before studying.
{ 7:31 PM }