went down to watch b and c div matches against nanhua today.
haiyo bdiv always postponed one due to the rain :(
jiayous bdiv tmr! must win them!
lol we long bang-ed mdm teo's car there cos we wanted to watch hsm3 xD
haha congratz jnrs for winning nanhua and it was a good fight and nicely played game:)
totally pei fu they dint get nervous. if its me in there, i will nua diao. like really.
continue to do nanyang proud and win back rv.
happy to see them working so hard for the game. the best so far.
compared to the mgs game right, their performance today is like 10x better.
after tt, a few of us (sec3s) felt quite nostalgic about cdiv times.
i guess i really dint try all my heart and body for the game tts why the regret comes in.
but its not too late to amend yet.
must really chiong this year. i dont want to regret in jc and in my whole life.
heh need go do LA powerpoint already><
and tmr we are going up stage :O
lol shall go do my work already.
and im constipating ahhh
{ 4:32 AM }
heh shall post pics of carnival.
thanks yanquan camera and yanquan:)
the last post wasnt emo! its just self reflection of my own play and myself on netball.
actually the carnival is quite funny and i learnt alot of stuffs.
and many bonds were made stronger and i guess we understand each other more.
like quite cool. sec4,3,2
let the pics do the talking!

teamB:) congratz for geting 2nd!

everybody:D me and joy were putting jellysweet in our mouths xD
LOL peishan and jiamin....
everybody again:D


after dinner:D sec three batch!

dinner at subway! i was eating hor fun xD

team A:D
jiamin omg LOL


me and joy attempting to put up our fringe xD joy looks more funny hahaha

jnrs. lol tricia cutting nails??

LOL jiamin and peishan look funny

same ppl looking funny hahaha:D
thanks ppl for the food and drinks!
nynb really rocks:D
let the passion live on.
{ 4:31 AM }
today was exhausting under the hot sun.
netball carnival.
started off vry nua and ended nua-ly also bleh.
i got a serious problem.
i used to be vry excited abt carnivals.
but now like oh got carnival ah ok.
tts why whenever a ball is flying to my GA, i like stone for a while then go for the ball.
tts why jolene hardly intercepts ball. i cant stand my attitude bleh.
and i anyhow run dont know doing what thing.
and i throw crap passes which are either too powerful or wrong side.
i shouldnt even wear the GD bib to go on court heh.
and im over complacent. laugh at ppl exposed butt in the end lose to them:(
and i anyhow trip over ppl leg and got an abrasion at my elbow:(
alamak i really need to WAKE UP! im feel damn lousy playing.
and i got really bad sun burns.
congratz nynbteamB for winning 2nd prize :D
yaye at least our school got sth!
aiyo for the photo taking i smile until like brush teeth those kind of show my teeth cos i cant really smile.
and i got weird "mosquito bite size" spots on my face after dinner.
was totally freaking out and it was super itchy :(
and i bought wet tissues which i think helped abit.
and after tt i go top up my card, i dint know minimum is $5 so i was like banging the screen for a moment.
then poor jingwen had to come out to help me.
then after tt went home, frantically banging the wet tissue on my face.
and i walked home feeling scared cos it was vry dark:(
and tmr i have maths tuition. i haven done the practice ws yet rahh.
i need to find back my motivation for netball.
im slowly losing everything of it.
only solution is myself.
{ 5:19 AM }
hehe tmr obs already:) quite excited and scared. cos its not in singapore and i scared get sick....especially when the food is not tt clean and stuff...
woah have alot alot of things leh.
all put in ziplock bag cos scared get wet.
i think lsc2 was vry good hahaha:)
haiyo my mom bought me a $3 hello kitty star-ish slippers from the market xD
omg i dont know how to wear them man....nvm its only $3:D
hope all the mosquito go away from me...:(
heh and i will miss my tweety bird bed alot.
today math tuition was more productive...at least i did 10+ question of SURDS.
better than last week coordinate geometry 3qns in 1 1/2hr xD
but now coordinate geometry can handle already la i think.
hehe dont know what to say already.

haha the open up:D which is vry nice:D and peishan claims she is the prettiest and nicest inside? really meh? cos you centre only ma xD anw you look like the mama who gave birth to so many children :D

the J's :D
lol was looking through old pics in phone.
some pics vry interesting so decided to post hehe.

amanda's dog:) now its quite big already.

the ugliest model you ever seen in shopping centre!


amanda tan! haha was saboed last year and i wonder why was she holding chopsticks LOL.

saw this at a shopping centre so i took a pic of it hahaha. women and monkey are friends?

my artpiece:D nice right the snail! it has a house too which is a nice blue colour:D

black and white to every matters:)

LOL this is like lao ren yuan then amanda is the caretaker, shannon is the injured patient haha.

jiamin's letter and scary gummy teeth which scared alot of ppl hahaha:D

nice scenery right:)


the musical:)

my spongebob which died in like one day?

hahahah! wang lao shi:D so funny:D

last year hui chun tt time xD still remember we still playing netball when the performance start le hahaha.
shall end here! byebye!
{ 6:56 AM }
woah i think im posting almost everyday.
cos i think i need to keep my thoughts and write them down somewhere.
hmm today went down to court to give joy my shoe.
lol friction abit better than chuanling's one.
then me shihui and joy joined jnrs court.
lol run a while then the bell ring already.
lessons were boring.
and for clc i forget reserach alamak!
lucky emily got then i borrow xD
heh managed to crap up the 2 papers.
maths was quite unproductive i think.
then lunch went to play badminton.
physics was ok la.
lol why am i describing lessons.
hmm trng.
heh dint have pt today:)
the warm up games was fun and tiring, especially the ice and melt game.
haha thanks for the ppl who plan it:)
then did drills which special names.
and moved on to court.
hah our team totally thrashed by the other team xD
actually like after the 2nd quart or sth, i started to get abit pissed....
and somebody said "aiya centre very slack one la! just help in offering only. dont really need to run. just sprinting."
o.O the position is nt at all slack. is the person who is slacking.
and i was quite disturbed by tt sentence. i dont know why.
being over sensitive doesnt help at times.
and actually my team to say the truth, really isnt as strong as the other team.
cos the other team wants the ball more than us.
we arent even trying as hard as them.
ahh i dont know how to communicate in the circle.
haix must think of a solution. then discuss with tricia hehe.
then took taxi back with amanda cos she got tuition.
blabberred to her everything in the taxi but i was still pissed.
i think im mood swinging also. rahh tmr better be a good day if not i will lose my temper vry easily. and my emotions always get the better of me.
kk shall end here. byebye.
{ 6:37 AM }
lol nth to do so decided to update.
ahhh i dont like this week.
it is very hot and alot of undone stuffs.
sat have carnival which i dont know how to go.
sun have tuition and i probably slack after tt.
no time do hm :(
heh wrote zuo wen ytd then left abit today then do.
cos it is bao zhang bao dao. 1hr confirm cant finish one then today on official duty so better write first xD
heh shannon went arnd scaring ppl with the green thing again lol.
haha watched ratetouilee(wrong spelling) in madam teo's car.
nv watched before so quite interesting :)
not enough empires so i was slacking.
and nth to do so i slept and always got awaken ><
yaye nanyang won ct 39-26 i think. forget already.
in the beginning they dint really play well so the atmosphere was super nervous heh.
then after tt chill down already.
oh ya there was this super big mosquito bite on my thigh which was vy spongy. inside got air ventilation haha.
went back with geraldine.
and while walking home, some long line from my pigu to my thigh there walk that time got stinging pain D: then i was grabbing and limping home.
ahh xia si ren. then i dont dare strain my thigh now.
see hows trng tmr. cos really super pain until i need to grab it.
and my knee is weaking again :( ahh stairsD:
quite looking forward to tmr's trng:)
heh nth to say le. i go do my physics.
bleh this week is a busy one.
i dont know why i feel stress. but then i cannot stand a single bit of stress. they make me go haywire. like a backside without fats. lol suddenly remind me of grace saying peishan's butt is one big one small one :O
{ 6:12 AM }
heh school have been quite tiring...
have been taking night naps at like from 7 to 8/9/10 almost everyday.
cos damn tired. if nv sleep will totally stone in front of the com and do nothing!
actually there isnt much hm so quite lucky...
and i totally screwed bio spa ytd D:
1. i had only one coverslip
2. i peeled the wrong epidermal layer. it was rheo leaf D:
3. i requested for another stem cos i broke all
4. i peeled so small cells
5. i broke 3 coverslips
6. i dint ask teacher to check before i see my microscope (but she came herself)
7. i couldnt see a single thing at 40x which was HORROR
8. i was so angry that i broke all the coverslips tt i used.
9. i broke many coverslips and walked out for recess to eat laksa.
10. nothing happen
oh ya our classroom got E for cleanliness xD
lol the spotcheck was like tuesday when our class was super dirty
heh haven got scolded by form and co form yet.
aiyo first few times like tt one. we must at least get a A, if not being the FM, me , will be so malu.
i remember sec1 tt time always accidentally eat in class but i still chase ppl out of class.
this time i did duty roster! but then it was printed slanted ><
haha justina no need stressed until want quit!
must man4 man4 lai2 :)
but our class have a policy that : you can eat but dont ever get caught by teachers or councillors hahaha.
today trng was totally feel the tiredness of trngs again. super tired heh.
first was tricked by peishan and jingwen tt we had to run 2.4 KM UNDER 13MIN if not run 3 SUICIDES!
omg la tt moment feel super cheated by chuanling cos she say trng will be COOL :O
then lucky is play crocodile for warm up :)
then had pt! teletummies, power arm, old man dont know what haha.
and we got to choose!:)
then was quite fun haha.
we did power arm.
--static hold (balance yr body on yr elbows) super tiring but good for making nice aps arnd yr waist. sang songs to distract but end up screaming cos damn pain. and i put down a few times><
--ma bu! 2 sets of 2min. heh i think i improved for ma bu cos not as tiring :)
and we were singing some weird song with twinkle twinkle little star tune :
man tian dou shi xiao JIA YI,
gao gao gua zai YAN LING zhong,
hao xiang bao shi fang JING JING
forget the lyrics ><
heh then there was some nynb cheer by peishan when we win rv nxt time which was abt fruits.
sth like...
apple, strawberry dont know what.
honeydew, papaya, chimpanzee,
nynb win rv,
1234 victory
then did drills and started friendly with school team.
heh this was the tiring part i guess.
there was alot of mis passes and difficulty passing down but overall i think we improved as a team.
my stamina now like kanasai like tt :(
alawys easily tired and i dont go all out for the balls ahhhh.
im so lazy.
and i must communicate!
trngs will be wed and thurs now heh.
ok shall end here.
{ 6:14 AM }
hmm nth to do so decided to post.
heh just finished duty roster :D
woah sec1 i fm tt time i dint do><
i will print it on a super nice paper which cost 45cents.
is remainder from bio assignment one.
the paper brown colour like dabian then got biscuits and love letters here and there.
so fast one week past already.
all i can remember of the week is trngs lol.
cos most tiring.
heh ytd dint have agility runs so wasnt vry tiring.
every trng got runs then always 8pm will si diao already.
stamina dropped like crazy>< run a while super tired:(
really scared cant cope with work. heh shall start mugging hard already.
cos sec3 work seem so much more challenging.
lucky now language is not double weightage. if not will die one more time.
aiyo nth to post already.
oh ya just read joy blog abt her layering of hair. haha think it will be quite funny:D and somebody will go crazy abt it.
shall end here. byebye.
{ 5:05 AM }
heh im super tired of being tired :(
like totally no time rest. especially rest for trngs.
or i dont feel like resting but im forced to rest.
school is getting frustrating and irritating with the stupid projects shooting at us.
bleh actually it is copeable but im lazy.
is this called stressed?
but i know i dont like this feeling and i dont often get this feeling.
damn sian of standing up to greet one teacher by another.
means another hour of learning and boringness.
sometimes it is vry funny. bt then the class like nv laugh tgt as one.
then laugh myself like vry lame so i nv laugh lol.
and i feel abit uncomfortable in 306. i cant say ppl are weird but im weird too.
i talk too loud and sneeze too loud. but then really cannot control.
then like in 306 like abit ostracised by other better triple science class. dont know la.
even teachers abit look down us. maybe i over sensitive.
then now like missing some lessons cos of cip. then is those lessons that i dont want to miss. like today miss chem. although i dont like chem but im lousy in it so need learn more.
then go home need do yingyongwen which i anyhow write.
ok i have no right to complain. it is even more tiring and worse for the team ppl.
heh but today the timekeeper and scorer of jurongville was damn funny. was sitting between them.
tmr theres trng. heh shall go sleep now cos i really need it if not will die for runs.
then tmr dont know what stupid hm will be given again.
sec3 sucks. and it is only the beginning.
actually maybe im just mood swinging now.
lol byebye.
aiya actually i post until like vry qian bian. i just sui bian type only.
{ 6:51 AM }
haha i suddenly feel like updating.
woah alot of things happen these few weeks.
hmm cny celebration!
amanda birthday haha. decided to give her present in the morning cos my bag no space xD
walked arnd drng hui chun and got caught by ms adriana wong with using handphone.
lol i told her i was lost cos shannon dont know go where.
then we started talking abt the school nv say properly the hp rules.
celebration was kind of boring in the beginning><
slept through all the prize giving ceremony.
woke up and learnt tt we got 2nd for class deco! :D
lol all the COWCOW and the prize was quite cheapo xD
is those cheap cheap kind of tibits but recession la :)
last time will vry nice one lo the tidbits. i remember lsc sec1 damn nice haha.
really miss 205...now class like nobody laughing one. and not enough jokes.
205 was really siao ding dong can. although alot of ppl sleep ><
after celebration, amanda lamo. ppl pop finish the popper on stage already then she just took it out and POP it -.- reaction so slow one haiyo. if its me i just keep in my pocket if not so malu...
went bustop with shannon and gladys where the boys waited.
went northpoint eat lunch buy amanda cake :D then go my house.
psps forget bring key then drag the whole thing><
then chunfai went bcak take basketball and 3 RI boys come which was quite unexpected :O
heh left the poor cake in the guard room with air conxD
heh weather damn hot so not vry fun.
then saw igena girlfriend again LOL.
tired of basketball then wanted to play billard.
so yongda act as my brother cos he 1month to 16 ma.
then in the end the guard count the years so slow and said we cant book cos yongda under 16 -.-
so book games room in the end. air con xD
played murderer haha. last time after psle alawys spam murderer.
shannon keep murderer so i dont dare look at her LOL.
then was
BLIND MICE! damn fun haha. blind mice always vry fun:D
put chairs as obstacles and many ppl running here and there.
then got one time igena kena hit by the chair at his kuku xD
after tt some black round thing appear, igena hold it up and ask "what is this?"
then i say "woah igena, your ball drop out ah!"
LOL then had to go already cos we late for amanda's party.
end up van late also haha. then shannon went amkhub to buy present.
so me and van wait at the khatib busstop:D
we reached quite late, and were picked up by jianing, junqi, saiying, audrey.
haha damn lot ppl and dint really see amanda cos she so short then run everywhere.
shannon had a headache, sitting on a chair and we began sitting on top on each other.
what empress what cocubine one, super lame.
heh ate abit then surprisingly felt quite full cos i was going to dabian ><
then played with dog and talked to some choir ppl. quite fun la.
then hor this amanda tan bias one. keep taking photo with her p6 classmate.
dont care abt 205 HOR :( nvm we vry independent one.
haha durian cake was quite nice:D
then walked to basketball LED BY AMANDA TAN (biggest regret).
lol make one big round and get barked by uncountable dogs.
and in the end the court kena booked by taekwondo ppl aiyo.
then ate somemore bbq stuffs. the tiger prawn super nice haha.
and my cousin just borned lol...same birthday as amanda :)
went back arnd 10+ and met my parents at the bus stop who just came back from hospital after visiting the baby.
oh ya we conference call amanda at 12am haha.
damn lame cos i was talking to amanda on the phone before it.
A : eh are you all conferencing me?
J : huh no la (omg why she ask this qn)
A : huh....
J : are you vry disapointed?
A : you think leh?
LOL then at 11 54 i had to bluff her say i go dabian cos need call audrey le.
then dang dang amanda was surprised haha!
nxt day woke up early to prepare for amandatan's birthday surprise!
haha actually me and shannon yue1 her 2pm at yck mrt.
heh woke up and played some audi. then went to take the cake in the fridge and found the side cover open.
was vry curious so i poke my head in to see and ALAMAK!
the cake tt was heart shape was half eaten!!
then i faster call my father then he blurr blurr say he gave it my brother as breakfast?!
lol wth i faster call shannon to tell her the bad news.
sia si ren.
i faster rush out of the house to meet shannon at yishun to buy another cake.
then shannon called me to say the delivery man came early today and she bought the same cake.
heng ah.
then me shannon junqi adn yuka met at yck mrt.
woah amanda whole family was downstairs except amanda.
lol cos we planned it with her mother hehe.
they were going to the fish shop or sth.
then amanda was washing up.
so we were in a rush to light up all teh candles.
then put the cake at the table. me yuka junqi run away. then shannon blurr so she stand there.
amanda mother went to call amanda down bluffing her tt her father got sth to ask her.
lol then amanda got a shock :D
haha forget take pictures of the cake xD
then waited for amanda the slowpig to get ready and set off to cineleisure to watch the wedding game haha.
damn funny and sick:)
hmm shannon had to go back early so went hoome after movie.
then junqi met with her mom to go shopping and i was told to settle dinner myself.
so ask amanda accompany me eat dinner :D
lol went raffles place walk walk cos northpoint nth to eat.
went food court haha and then nth to do so go esplanade see see.
i nv at night go there before xD woah quite nice and alot of ppl.
went home and was vry tired.
cny this year quite boring la.
dont know why too.
get the hang of mahjong again but play 5 rounds then not fun already.
heh won $30 this year :D
hehe quite lucky.
and this year angbao money was the highest of all.
cos my mother gave double of last year and many cousins got married haha.
dint really eat alot of new year goodies heh.
haha but quite nice la. can see eveyrbody again. once in a year.
and the gambling part was the most fun one can. cos money at stake so more exicitng and thrilling.
caught a night movie with relatives. the hong kong one. at first quite funny but the jokes quite old so after tt not vry funny already. my aunt say i laugh vry loud -.-
hmm school hasnt been fun :(
now getting more and more boring.
and i more and more dont like my cl teacher.
haix and she always go out of topic how to listen to her.
heh shall end here. tmr got morn run must sleep early!
byebye! woah i think this post vry long.... sorry if bore anyone...
{ 5:59 AM }