heh have been busy with netball recently and planning for chalet food and making the sec4 gifts!
lol the food thing ah really shang nao jing leh.
need to spend alot of money...
we all bo lui already):
had rgs carnival ( river valley, chong boon, raffles girls, clementi town, cedar )
snt margs friendly (which we dint do well)
njc friendly
mgs friendly tmr
then tue to fri is CHALET!
heh njc match jiaomei snr came over to see us.
then after tt got what she called "counselling" talk which was quite funny in the way she put it.
what she said was true.
its not about getting into the school team and getting the regconition tt you are good.
what matter the most is that you know you have improved in the whole process and dint give up on yourself.
and she said we improved alot. hehe.
she mentioned tt it was quite disheartening for her to see so little ppl from our team turning up and some have "given up". actually we also feel the same i think.
haiyo hope more ppl come for trng!
come come come! very good for body and mind! 2 in 1!
went ikea on friday to buy materials for sec 4 gift with michelle shihui jaime and ziwei.
then sat went shihui house to do the stuffs and we finished!
aiyo quite scared for chalet food.
ok shall end here.
{ 7:30 AM }
hehe hello i came to revive my blog:D
amanda! it wont extinct one cos i dont delete it wont bu jian diao.
hehh i think i shall use pictures to flood the post.
went out with amanda on a mon cos was damn sian. and shannon cant make it>< sorry):
watch the chihuahua thingo heh! was quite cute:D

amanda cant find the pen she wanted and her expression became like THIS HAHAHA:D

then i brought her to watsons and bought her a christmas hat so she became happier LOL. 2 for $4!(:

heh after rgs carnival :D yaye got cake bt the cake quite scary cos vry choco bt is nice(: thanks joy for buying the cake! lol i look quite happy? i think i was laughing lol.

the LAMO but XIA SI REN birthday surprise on 21nov. ehh chuan cheat me say what mrs tan want us help in netball stuffs. hahah thanks everybody:D thanks shannon and amanda for the cake! and thanks for the cards and gifts:D

LOL er censored.

205 after performance!:D

my cool doggo:D dont pray pray leh it works for pck!

the cute baby me and amanda saw at amk fairprice hohoho. i smiled at him then he smiled back!

PORK BALL! does it seems familiar???:D

my naughty and over hyper active cousin LOL
he likes to put stuff on his head lol.
{ 6:21 AM }
hehh haven been posting for quite a long time...
better cover up the previous posts if not ppl tot i emo-ing or sth.
art musuem was quite impressive when i realise everything was by one MAN :O
and the top floor ones were really nice and beautiful and imaginative and wonderful!
lol my vocab only got like tt hahaha.
then went back for drama rehearsal heh.
aiyo so boring this post. starting is no good!
i shall be more artistic(:
TODAY! is a HAPPY DAY! with the windy wind blowing against my face smoothly, like saying good morning to me, i feel so rejuvenated with energy and liveliness! as i stepped into 205 classroom, the bright shine from the flourescent light seems like the future the people in 205 are moving towards to and working together to achieve. WE are the successors of the future! WE are going to rule the world! WE are the greatest creature on earth! YEAH! then i saw shannon so we played volleyball tgt:D then i saw amanda so i ran to her and pat her piggyhead:D
lol the journey to sentosa was funny hehe and nice with almost the whole class singing(: barney, tele tubbies, spongebob, dora exploere, oldie songs, recent songs and random animals sounds LOL. and wls was laughing at us heh. and the whole atmosphere was super HIGH:D i think we dint really get tgt like tt so happily for like alot of months...then amanda was feeling feverish): aiyoma.
we went to palawan beach where the sand wasnt as friendly as we were cos they were all stones. then walk barefooted quite pain..actually nearer to the beach part is ok bt the place where 205 were quite pain...heh anw settled down and played captain's ball:D hehh wls was really tall lol. and it was quite rough lol. i dint really played or helped out. was just wondering arnd seeing how happy the class was and a surge of sadness went through my entire bloodstream and i felt kind of nosltagic already. lol so exagerrating. then stopped cos it was sandcastle building lol. at first i was trying to participate bt then aiyo no space so i was playing in water. and somehow i kicked until someone's butt wet wet then i got scolded. and shannon seemed to be emoing bt i think she just miss 205 heh. then aiyo damn sian. then i got myself angry cos of what i did(disturbing ppl). then so me amanda shannon and shanping walked to the other end where the sand was super nice!! then after tt shannon dragged me somewhere to sit and started playing emo songs :O then we cried-.- i think ppl tot tt there was sth wrong with us. bt actually not. just feeling vry sian then nth to do. heh anw i think our chicken was vry well done:D
then after tt eating woah vry full...and rested a while then walk arnd and played volleyball! then after tt went back school lol. and kahmun seems to like my butt alot suddenly at tt point of time. cos she was chasing me arnd to catch my butt :O then the journey back was quite low cos everybody tired i think. then there were rehearsals...aiyo quite sian bt still have to do it heh. got audi rehearsal then went in see see lol. very cold like north pole the backstage when i wore two layers of clothes! after rehearsals went to eat macs with amanda at amk cos we were super duper hungry...
heh friday last day of school. expected to have alot of crying activities and my expectations were reached lol. heh report books werent really tt impt to us tt day i guess. it was the separation. 205 bu jian diao. saw the video on youtube tt ms goh did for us then at first it seemed funny. then dont know what happen i started crying alot alot. then me and shannon were the only ones crying i think.. cos suddenly remember those happy times we wont experienced them tgt again and human always like tt one. going to lose already then start to treasure but then too late already. why am i a human? aiyo i think animals also like tt one so nvm. then got this everybody stand up and say sth according to register number. then at first quite funny bt until evie(4) there then i started tearing then crying vry badly cos aiyo the atmosphere vry sad): then i saw wanglaoshi crying also. i think wls also cant bear to leave us cos we were her first form class then quite memorable cos she like us as much as 208 last year. our class is unique:D then many ppl started crying quite badly and the whole class was doing the same thing-crying hehe. ok la not whole class. some ppl dint cry...i think those ppl who dint cry..maybe they werent really tt close to the class and close relationships were not really being built to make them feel bu she de. actually right in my point of view, i think it isnt abt feeling positive cos all those words and phrases i think everyone knows. it is just...205 is just the best class ever<3 really really better than 6 gracious. cos i grow and learnt many things inside and made great friends. just imagine...
not seeing all these :
1. rosanne screaming at the top of her voice and laughing at nonsensical stuffs. and exaggerating many stuffs, making the atmosphere in the classroom so much liveier and noisy haha
2. shannon going arnd making ppl and laughing at her own antics and her drawing on the boards and mischievious acts and loud laughter and burp
3. amanda nagging at the class to listen up and laughing her hehehe. and no more class listen up! no more pigface sightness in the class and a motherly person caring for all of us and working behind the scenes of class acitivities.
4. yuka cute voice and jumping and smacking ppl lol. and her WHATEVER and cute little BIG biscuit hahaha.
5. chuanling shouting at her top of her voice and shrieking when ppl poke her hoho. and her zi highing herself lol.
6. random ppl like chenxi walking past and glare at you. adurey and gang gossiping abt boys and laughing cynically. tania running out of class funnily. yixuan gang talking and joking. julie and gang doing weird stuffs. many many ppl's doings are just taken for granted tt we dont treasure them enough. imgaine you dont see this in the morning ANYMORE! i think then we all will start to miss the small and little bits of 205 people unique doings in the mornings.
i think i cant imagine a dead classroom on the first day of school in 2009....it will be just so saddening. no familiar faces and feeling tt comfortabe doing what we all always do. just imagine is not just 205. making new friends is easy but making TRUE friends is the most difficult. it is the most difficult thing in the world! lol. i relaly scared of backstabbers, ppl who cant be trusted or heck care abt you. cos i think i need alot of security and trust in a friendship then can be really good to the person, if nt i will easily flare up at the person...(with my super bad and unreasonable temper) and i think the thing i will miss abt 205 is...disturbing ppl...): sorry to those who felt irritaing and noisy for these past 2 years. i guess i must control more. cos in my report book, wls put must have more control in my highness and act and talk wisely. the feeling of 205 is like my home...is vry friendly and comfortable..priceless feeling tt i wont find anywhere. haiyos so sad. heh bt fom one class montage they say what "dont cry cos it is over, smile cos it happened".
then i dint know what to say when it was my turn...i just cried haha. cos all the eyes looking at me will be those tt i will miss alot alot next year. suddenly all look at me, all the juices of sadness went into my eyes and flowed out there. the atmosphere was nv like this before. we played all the time and it was really sad. blehh>< then justina speech was vry touching...she said sth like tt "thank you 205. changed me alot to become a better person these 2 years" then i cried even more lol. cos really really justina become a much nicer person and control her temper better nowadays compared to the first day of school in sec1. woah damn scary so fast quarrel with shannon....then we went to the BS for class montage heh. then was quite funny and i think no more water to cry already...so was laughing quite alot heh(: then went off with chuanling for mpp introduction and skipped principal speech lol. woah abit heng leh. then was abit boring bt noted stuffs down and mpp seem vry interesting cos concerning laws then normally not really exposed to all these then quite a good oppurtunity i guess. heh then went back school for trng.
hehh shall do dedications after c&d(:
byebye i go sleep le.
tmr got trng! aiyo scared suddenly got BEEP TEST :O
{ 7:29 AM }