i dont feel like posting but i feel like posting hehh.
hmm got bac many results.
as usual im numbed to my marks.
but maybe feel abit lousy for my cl....
its like 61% B4.
and im laughing at my lousy zeros when it wasnt even supposed to be funny.
and it doesnt make me feel better.
my marks are terrible:/
i think im contradicting myself><>< size="2">
im tired of everything.
{ 5:52 AM }
i shall update since im bored.
cip on fri was quite ok.
but shocked in the beginning when all were adults cos i expected cute children><>< size="1">not tt i dont want to try but sometimes trying your very best doesnt mean succeeding. and this reality came smacking into my face many many times. and sometimes it may seem on the surface tt you are nt trying at all but in fact you are....and sometimes afraid to try hard cos of the never ending failures. many sometimes.
trng ended.
saw shannon and celeste.
dint join them for dinner cos i was eating with my mom.
then called amanda cos she was waiting too.
met up with some others in the canteen after a while.
went amk hub for dinner and walked arnd before my dad fetched us home.
was super super tired. mentally and physically.
dint really do much on the com and work.
hehh was talking and talking.
oh and we got back maths ppr.
ok la not tt im sad nor happy.
i think im numbed to maths results after i failed last term>< so i dint feel happy when im supposed to feel happy. would being numbed to results make be wont want to work hard anymore? heh dont know. drama was quite slack as the teacher couldnt make it.
{ 4:57 AM }
{ 7:46 AM }
hah i shall post some weird stuffs(:
missed primary school all of a sudden....
all the super funny and "innocent" memories.
i sound like old woman....
but really vryvry nice with all the super nice teachers:D
nice until teacher's day give present need queue up one then queue until outside door!
then remember last time nv bring rpe go outside classroom stand><
then 30/40 of the class stood up and went out which shocked mrs ong hahaha:D
and one time ms yow was super angry with us she just walked out of the classroom then mrs ong thought tt ms yow chased one of us out....
mrs ong: who did ms yow chased out jus now? (super serious tone)
us: huhhh?!?! got meh? i tot she walked out of the classroom herself???
mrs ong: HUHHH?!?! (starts laughing until like tomato face)
us: laugh until like crazy also.
and i remembered last time mrs ong cried cos she cant finish teaching her science notes she prepared for us): actually shes a vryvry nice teacher cos she organised chalet for us:D then last time someone ate tissue-.- then mrs ong got a shock hahahaha. and there was always this super lame comparison between 6gracious and 6respectful.....
mrs ong to 6gracious: 6respectful always very good blablablbalbal
ms yow to 6 respectful : 6 gracious always very good blablablabla
then they go each class and repeat the same thing-.- and our classroom was super high up! highest floor of the school then everywhere was red! dustbin, noticeboard, table, walls....quite freaky hah and there was no toilet only 2 classes there><
then mrs ong said we were vry weird cos we see her at the corrider is either pretend nv see, change direction or cover mouth and HEHEHEHE there! HAHAHAA! then she say must say hello! so we all hello hello then too enthu she scold us :X cos we waved right in front of her face....
then ms yow super funny:D
lollllll was super funny cos it sounded super wrong but she didnt know we thinking wrong><
but ms yow is the best teacher ever :D super nice.
lolll shall end here for this post:D
{ 7:46 AM }
i shall post the story shannon told me to destress before the exam:D
close your eyes.
imagine you are on a beach.
enjoying the scenary.
playing with the golden sand.
you pick up lovely seashells washed to the shore by the waves.
you went closer into the sea.
a small little fish was at your feet.
you bent down to catch it.
and then,
you drown!:Ololll yaye completed post:D
{ 7:45 AM }
im supposed to crap according to SOMEONE...oh joeylim's wrists are loose, very loose got alot of keek keek. then we both cant play court in the morning. then got one morning she sms whether i going court then already 8+ when i saw the sms then i dint reply>< then nxt morning she wanted to kill me cos i nv reply her :O so i faster replied her. because...better late than never!:D
so she replied me and started throwing weird things at me. like calculator and she threw those which were not hers. LOL. then i got bored so i called her and she took vry long to feel the vibration. then when she picked up she hahahahaha into the phone only. LOL. so the whole phone call was laughing hahahahaha:D
according to her, i must crap. so i just crapped. :D
{ 7:45 AM }
i shall nt let this blog die on itself.
heh block test finally over.
but i feel more stressed up now for no reason hah.
i think this i called post-stress.
this 3 days all the papers make me go crazy already...
now i see ppr i want to faint.
block tests block up my mind and forcing stuffs into my small brain tt i dont feel like storing.
lol and shannon relaxing story is not relaxing at all hahaha:D
suddenly what beach got water and wave and wind vry nice one then suddenly....
i know im really going to fail cl. cos i felt super gong at the beginning then stonning stonning cant understand the passage. then my hand was shivering and numbed D: now still haven recover. i chionged the last two comphre in 1hr which means i anyhow do so im going to fail. i dont even know what i was writing i jus anyhow copy the passage><
others quite ok la. lucky maths this time was nt so diff. hope wont fail again if not my maths % will be super low. la i dint really know what to write so i think i wrote alot of crap. then history and geog were quite ok.
tmr getting back bio test! hope it doesnt fail>
lol today went to the polytechnic to see F1. alot of ppl left early so we left early too><>< then played with amanda's dog hah:D lol it became fatter(: then jianing was quite obsessed with the dog and the dog chased her arnd which was super funny:D heh dint do cme ppt. then went home at 5+
nth to post already. byebye.
{ 7:25 AM }
haven post for a long long long long time...
vry dead already here.
yaye bt im here to save the world(:
lazy to type so let the pictures do the talking...

205 ppl splitting:D yaye shannon can finally dance(:

HEH this pic is super candid cos UNKNOWN looked at the cam the moment i press:D she look like she got sars....

this one also super candid cos this is natural respond of UNKNOWN when you call her.....

stuff toys at popular by shannon yeo:D according to pic:-
-minnie and mickey gave birth to piglet
-pooh and carebear gave birth t baby pooh (both parents are males)

er this one i dont know how to describe. van's hair looks funny after i combed it :D

jianing:D went swensens after buying the nicenice ppr for cl sia...heh $$ all flew away.

this is evidence of jianing being bloated after eating.....woah like eat drugs like tt. latr fly go in:D

er exchange student from suzhou. realise it was in my phone...

another one.

:O OCTOPUS in hongzi :D

src carnival:Dthe background looks like a picture heh.

my clay model:D

aiyo looks super wrong....this was taken at raffles place i think when me and jianing were doing cip there.

maths leads to creativity :D

volcano clouds:D ms yip asked us to observe so we took picture(:
ok end of post!
revival succeed.
{ 5:49 AM }