hi,long time no post.many things have happened lately,blablabla,end of pos t!
{ 10:55 PM }
i feel like killing jianing for her post:D
-short and sweet post-
{ 8:32 AM }
i think im vry insomia-ed.
soon i will become like the gonggong banana sitting beside me in school.
cos i cant sleep. i find sleeping boring and sleeping positions are getting sian.
then i try to sleep upside down i cant breathe-.-
and i keep thinking and thinking abt things non stop.
one after another. like want to stop thinking also cannot.bleah.
ahhhhhh i dont feel like studying or doing work.
i think fa1 dai1 is the most interesting thing i can do now.
now i have 4-ple eyelids. cool man.
at first have duoble eyelids. now can times 2 one(:
my aunt's maid is coming to stay in my room cos they are going hk D:
aiyoh then must sleep early and cannot step on her while i move arnd the room at night....
hais no trng today and nxt tue. hope the school get us a good coach to make up for us these few months.
and my stamina sure drop like crazy. must go run myself.
if not latr carnival one quart die already.
ahhhhhhh i dont want term 3 to start. will be super busy. then vry fast its eoy. then its choral and drama night. and holidays pass like the speed of light. super fast then sec3 already. and we become old ppl cos its upper sec. and more workload more everything. then the cycle repeats till we retired for old age and go bogay then can only eat prooridge and mee sua. then alamak lie in coffin go incinerate already.
conclusion : life is so boring.
ok i dont know what thing i jus typed......
i shall go and try to mug biology...
super sian all the memorising :/
bleahhh shall end here.
OH i want watch the hulk. lol random.
{ 10:38 PM }
yaye second post of the day(:
trng court runs were quite exhausting but good for trng stamina(:
and i could feel the mwachi peizhen gave us circling in my stomach and i had stomache drng the runs :/
in the end i went toilet to dabian but then come out only german gas><
then did the square thingo.
and did 1/3 court
changed quite fast cos there were no minimum number of passes.
then trng ended and went bukittimahfoodcentre to eat.
yaye this time zhong ji mi ma not so suay(:
last time i zhong4 4 times......
hehh and ziwei and liyi were so evil so go buy papaya to add at the end.
and end up they two zhong4 hahaha.
and i tried the end product.
taste like spicy, lemon sour and disgusting papaya flesh :x
lol then walked back to kap busstop with liyi and yanquan with them talking while i listen.
quite interesting heh cos like dont often know how snrs think abt trngs and stuff.
and i dint know what to talk so dint talk.
my stomach was super uncomfortable when i was in the bus.
so i bought rojak, potato chips and cup noodles(:
yayeee food!
and started on work.
shall name out what i did to make myself feel abit accomplished.
1. 略阅读报告(2) YAYEE FINISH ALL :D
2. maths (finished all the indices which i left after ytd)
3. wenzhangfenxi (1) DO LATR HAH
4. graphs practice DO LATR
oh no i did so little things todayyyy. bleahh super slack.
tmr must chiong chiong chiong my cl sia all done and do maths and revise bio and do history and do cl practice(: tmr is big mugging day:D and im all alone at home.
and jus now had a super funny msn convo with zhaojunqi the JUNEMON! hahahaa!
my big creation which i laughed at myself:D
junqi + monkey = JUNEMON
lollll this is what she drew saying how she look like! and imgaine her face there fighting PIKACHU! omg super funnyyyyy HAHAHAHA! and we both scared of algebra in common test cos we did badly for ct last term cos of the algebraaaaa! so we said we should go buy bra fight algebra....HAHAHA

{ 6:16 AM }
got tagged by so-fei-ya (SOPHIA SAME YING YI) to do this.
Instructions:remove 1 question from below and add in your personal question then tag 8 people in your list, list them out in the end of this post. Notify them in their chatbox that he/she has been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have a blessing from all.
Q1: Do you like your present school?
hmm yeah like alot(: cos theres netball, my teammates and my friends:D
Q2: What do you want the most now?
become a bird so can fly to somewhere i want(:
(i realise bird stamina vry lousy....)
and finish up all my work and be prepare to MUGMUGMUG!
Q3: If you are gonna die tomorrow what do you want to do most?
fly somewhere with my EAGLE wings to meet a special someone and eat all many types of food till i die(:
Q4: Do you hate your friends sometimes?
if i hate ppl, means they arent even my friends cos you cant possibly hate your true friends no matter what happens(: anw i haven hated anyone be4 but i wanted to cook ppl in curry before:D
Q5: Are you afraid of death?
huh ok la. not vryvry scared cos i think i will die in peace? maybe not but i want everything arnd me to be ok and everybody happy before i die. cos at least you feel an1 xin1. but i dont want to die so soon yet.
Q6: What is your goal this year?
1 all misunderstandings to be cleared and everybody happily tgt(: (really really hope it will)
2.have an msg under 1.5 and at least 75%(hopefully)
3.improve my netball skills, master communication and improve stamina
4.nynb bonded as ever!
5.make sure everybody arnd me is happy and healthy(hope so:D)
6.make myself hardworking again
7.eat many many things
(in no order)
Q14. Who would you probably spend the rest of your life with?
my family and my friends heh. bt i prefer to stay with my friends nxt time when im independent(: cos like wont have a lot of.....yeah.
Q15: What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Q16: Do you find life meaningless?
its quite meaningless on the outside cos we do everything by routine everyday! but with all the love(family) and friendships and interests, it become quite meaningful. see how see it(: but optism is the best:D
Q17: What do you live for?
live for my family,friends and netball(:
Q18: Who do you talk most to in school?
er depends who im with. mostly is amanda,jianing,junqi,shannon in class. and depends who i sit with also. now talk quite alot to the stupid banana beside me also. lol.
Q19: What are you listening to now?
RADIO 93.3fm lol i dont know what song is tt. but i felt bored and decided to hear the radio a while.
Q20: What would you say to a peanut?
whoooooooo! you smell like a peanut, if you are not roasted i dont want to eat you(:
Q21: What holiday homework do you have left?
lazy to name out. jus alot alotalot. (refer to junqi's post)
hahaha dont want tag ppl to do. if you want jus kope and do(: but tell me to go yr blog see though. shall post another one! cos hahaha somebody called
junemon wanted(:
{ 4:32 AM }
heh dint go for class gathering cos mom dint really allow><
and i was quite tired after going out consecutively for two whole days...
went out with mandypiggy on sat(:
we were both late as usual heh.
but we boarded the same mrt!
and when i got off the mrt, amanda called me and i was like "where are you!"
"i see you!"
-mushroom head pops out-
hehhh went macs for breakfast!
shared pancakes(:
and we had to eat quite fast cos the movie was going to start.
and for some reason, amanda's face was red. heh!
then chionged all the way up to the cinemas cos we were really really late.....
like really RUNNNNNNN! loll but we took the lift la so it was ok(:
we watched KUNGFU PANDA! and bought a bigbig drink to share:D
and dont know why the person at the counter go put the two of us RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE!
like 360 degrees got ppl around us one.
then quite intimidating.
i prefer siting at the side cos if anyhow move will bang into ppl then must keep on"sorrysorry"
hehh the show was quite amusing la cos the panda vry cute but it is PRO with its fats hahahaha.
and we realised one of the cast was jackie chan....lol.
then we went popular to buy the 2 cl assessment books for me-.-
cos my mother wanted><
and went minitoons to buy amanda's sis present!
hehh practically with the dumbdumb person there, alot of softtoys dropped down......tsktsk.
and we went raffles place to eat at b&j!(:
hehhh nice nice:D
and amanda DROOOOOOOOOOOL-ED while eating the sample.....
haiyoyos the saliva like zooooop zooooop go down one lo.
and there were many many big drops on the floor xD
talked a while then moved on the bugis!
went to take neoprints heh(:
lalalalallaala many interesting things happened hohohoho.
and amanda said tt she need to go home by 2 when it was already 3-.-
lamepok la aiyohhh so we went home heh.
and i followed her home hah :D
and took 854 home.
thanks loads for making this day such a nice one piggytan!<3
quote of the day!
the magical fountain met the magical rainbow and fireworks shot into the air and sparkled dazzingly:D
{ 3:58 AM }
hehh went out to grp study with junqi and jianing at woodlands library(:
was er actually 45mins late......>< cos there was this fogging thing then if walk out then i will be covered with intesticide.....psps
jianing came soon after.
then we were sitting at pastia mania laughing at super lame stuffs.LOL.
suddenly junqi became super high.she was saying abt this ordering thing.
-call in progress to call home service from pastia mania-
customer: i would like to have blablablablablabla.................
counter: ohhh ok no problem. whats your address??
customer: im jus in front of you :D
hahahahahhha lol can seee how lame and high junqi was at tt point of time(:
and we decided not to eat there after taking the menu and settling down xD
went to kfc instead:D
forget to change my salad.
then there was a lot of super lame things coming out again and i laughed until my stomach ache>< then i spilled abt half a cup of 7up on myself....and some water and ice flew over me and landed on my seat behind me.
search like crazy for a table in the library on the 2nd and 3rd story.
but all were already booked by ppl.
so we went to the children lvl!
lolllll and we found a piece of log with long chairs which was quite suitable to do work on.....
and the surroundings was a jungle picture(:
did graphs and completed quite a few sums.
then we were listening to the funny funny song jianing sent us.
alamak keep laughing. especially at the part where they sing " IM BOGAYYYYYY"
felt tired and sian so went arnd to look look.
then me and jianing were playing with some bear.
and started many weird weird convos(:
and we did the same thing with hand puppets:D
hahaha super funny.
went macs with the intention of resuming study.
but played and eat in the end.
lolll then played zhong ji mi ma(:
but the sauce was nice hahaha.
and the guessing was quite funny:D
yayee then went arnd to walk be4 dinnering.
then walk again.
reach home at abt 9+
got scolded abit><
ok shall end here.bye.
{ 8:05 AM }
haven been posting.
so i shall post.
sth is wrong with me.
is it tt i lost the morale to carry on
or not trng for 1 week caused it.....
i dont know :/
after running the 2nd rnd for warmups,
i was already breathless.
then my head was spinning like crazy.
and i couldnt train much.
so just watch.
heh then latr it rained and we went in.
went thai noodles hse for lunch.
then some went home and the remaining ppl went coro(:
we played truth or dare and zhong ji mi ma.
the juice was super not nice :x
and i zhong4 4 times!
lol then played till 4+
and waited for mandy the slow poke to go home tgt(:
reach home at abt 5+
ok shall end here.
{ 7:46 PM }