Name __ people you can think of. Don't look at the questions before you do this quiz. at the end, choose 3 people to do this quiz. (all 205 ppl)
1)How did you meet 5? (VANESSA)hehheh i met her in the market first at a fruit store while choosing banehnehs, then when i went to sec school in 105 i saw the exact same fruit and said HI. now im sitting beside this super lame and insomia-ed person and shes scared of POKES. when you poke her, her leg become KUNGFU LEG and can kick the entire table down(:2)What would you do if you never met 1? (JUNQI)then i would be short of alot of lame stuffs cos this person is internally lame. hahahaha i dont know what im talking abt. yeah and her slow reaction laughter always vry funny one. and she is a vry nice person(: i dont think im answering the qn......hehheh nvm!3)What if 9 and 4 dated?(YUKA & SHANNON)HAHHAA! omg i think yuka will scream like crazy......kena tortured by shannon:D and there will be one screaming competition where yuka will win when she sees shannon in a distance! but really cannot imagine. one quite tall and one quite short. and latr you see both in WOODBRIDGE!4)What if 8 and 6 dated? (CHENXI AND CHUANLING)OMGGG HAHAHAHA! I WILL LAUGH UNTIL MY STOMACH DIES! this was not purposely made.....yeah first reaction is just laugh then er congratulate them lo(:5) Describe 2: (AMANDA)hehheh! indesbribably an excellent and nice friend/confidante(: once she goes too high, its quite dangerous....hahaha and she has a piggy face which is vry adorable:D and she eat and sleep ALOT! her head is nice to mess up becos it cant be messed up and she always does dumb things(: <#6)Do you know any of 4's family members? (SHANNON)yeahhhh! she has a younger sister called shalyn and an older brother called shaun. dont know name correctly spelled. but shannon's family members very fun to be with :D7)What would you do if 3 confesses that he/she loves you? (JIANING)HAHAHAHA! THAT WILL NV HAPPEN! i will just SMACK her face in the durian and cook her in pineapple juice! MWHAHAHAHHA! but jianing already has someone she admires le.....hehheh. but it this really happen, i will run away cos VERY SCARY. someone like jianing who has brain tumours which goes SIAO anytime is definitely DANGEROUS!8)Who is 7 going out with? (BEISHI)ehhehhheh......this one i dont know! maybe another male bear in the cave of atlantic ocean?????i dont know hahahahaha. may ask her one day. cos we co-ordinate to terminate excess bananas in the classroom(:9) How old is 9?(YUKA)she is 14! hahaha quite an OLD woman who sounds like a child(: yeahh jus very old.10)Who is 8's favourite band/singer?(CHENXI)this not really tt sure xD11)Would you ever date 4? (SHANNON)hahaahahaha! nooooo i think i will die of laughter when i see her go on a date! but i will go out with her to PLAY :D12)Would you ever date 2? (AMANDA)hehheh! nooooo cos i see her i will feeel like laughing also! and i believe amanda has xin shang ren already xD but i will also go out with her to PLAY :D13)Is 3 single? (JIANING)AHEM! i dont think so.....such scandalous ppl....hehheh with some yy guy hor(:14)Would you ever get into a relationship with 8? (CHENXI)HUHHHHHH NEVER EVER! cos im a very straight person(:15)School of 7? (BEISHI)NANYANG GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL!16)Where does 6 live? (CHUANLING)somewhere near school? cos she always comes to schoool at weird timings. sometimes super duper late one.....17)What's your favourite thing of 5?(VANESSA)my favourite thing ah......she very spastic and when she gets high ans start laughing liek CRAZY with the crazy bear beside her......I WILL ALSO LAUGH:D lolll and three spastic ppl laughing right at the front there. fun to be with(:18)Have you seen 2 naked? (AMANDA)OMGGGG NOOOOOOOOOO! but i really wonder what will happen if it really happens HAHAHAHAHAHAA! but of cos it will be accidental cos im not interested(:
{ 11:18 PM }
today was quite eventful i think.
in the morning dint go to watch trng.
cos mother dont allow.
then scared i lao sai there.
morning my bro was spraying my deodorant inside his armpits in my room.
then is like can go do the advertisement for the gatsby deodorant spray=.=
loll is like tt advert so kua1 zhang1.
who in the world will spray like tt after exercise?!
still got weird weird music one. heh i prefer last time the "if you're happy and you know it clap your
hair! *clap clap*" tt one was super funny(:
so in the end went down to play billard wit my bro.
lollll in the end the score was 1-1.
heh dint play for a long time already.
stopped when i wanted to dabian again.
then after tt when i went online.
shannon asked if i wanted to go grp study.
so i said ok(: and asked jianing also.
so we goed tgt.
then latr jianing see me from far keep laughing =.=
then shannon open door started laughing. lollll
me and jianing were talking on msn to yy abt lame stuffs.
then jianing IS sick. cos she always POKES the WRONG PARTS ><
we started on maths. lollll algebraic manipulation was quite time consuming but lucky everything was solved(:
then we jumped to direct and inverse proportion.
heh actually spent most of the time talking(:
lol once start talking cannot stop one hahahaha.
and i ate two vry nice chicken wings of shannon's dinner xD
went back at 6+
shall end here.
{ 5:09 AM }
ahhhhhh stupid gastric flu :/
then i cant go malacca.......
bleah sry mandy piggy><
you almost slept with chenxi....
lucky now is tania and kahmun(:
you all must be eating lunch now....its 13 46 now.
heh hope all of you having fun there.....
bleahhhh why must be sick at this point of time.
i rahter go there then be sick.
but i have been shitting for dont know how many times already and all is LAO SAI!
and i most prob cant train on thurs><
dont know whether can go for the talk on friday.
hmmm chuanling better take care of my amanda! hehheh if not i slaughter away yr ankle ah xD
i dont like being sick especially when it concerns my bottom cos a lot of brown things is comming out..........and actually red things too>< blehhhhh
hahaha i think me and shannon got some kind of fate.
both of us hurt our legs and cant run with the class napfa....
then this time both also cant go malacca.
kind of dao3 mei2 fate (:
not being able to go malacca quite saddenening cos i know it will be fun....
its like the last outing 205 gonna have (most probably) when all will be present.
cos i believe class gathering not all will turn up one.
only those usual ppl......
-my mother jus appeared behind me=.= SCARE ME-
ok now vryvryvry bored....and miss somebody alotalotalot><
blehhhhhhh ytd magma alotalotalot.
heh hope my gastric flu will say sayonara to me soon! (:
i dnot want you dont stick to me leh! keep making me go dabian one=.=
{ 10:45 PM }
today is a vry boring day :/
ptm was quite horrible heh.
got back my phone but heard from my mom tt elearning person told wls tt i was playing hp games while shannon and junqi see me....=.=
i think tt person wasnt even sure tt what she said was correct when she told wls the whole story.
cos the whole thing wasnt true at all.
i was jus holding the phone.....><
i only want her to know tt she confiscated my phone cos i was holding it drng lessons.
and not becos i was playing. its quite a big difference since she thinks im trying to lie.
i know its my wrong to hold it but then....she thinks tt my explanation of the whole story is crap.
im so gonna hate tt teacher.....
and she didnt ever smile be4. deprived of happiness.
and my results this term really vryvry lousy><
really need to buck up.
thurs was the farewell party for zhonglaoshi(:
bleah quite sad tt she is leaving......
cos shes really a vryvry nice teacher.
accompanied with us every comps to support us under the hot and boring weather.
and once she bought milos for us :D
and we sang the "iloveyou" barney song to her (:
she received one big pooh bear with chocs!
then was party time (EATING)
the bee hoon was vry nice hehheh.
i ate a lot i think.
then played half court for the remaining time (:
quite fun but tiring.
then latr played volleyball with jingwen and joey :D
went home with junqi.
dint really do much for e learning.
food chem was jam making.
and sara was sick so i did eveyrthing with xingying.
hmmm quite fun la. actually not.
cos the jam keep jumping out while boiling =.=
then me and xingying who were stirring kept screaming.
and the outcome was quite gross la heh.
alot commented tt it tasted like bread!
went back class for cleaning.
then was briefing for malacca trip.
yaye we are having friendly with the malacca school ppl while others singsong and telematch i think.
shld be quite fun la. but i think we will lose cos malaysia netball quite qiang one. nvm its the fun in it (: and we have exactly 7 ppl! looking quite forward to it(:
trng was vryvry hot D:
and my stamina sucks.
i cant block, communicate, jump, rebound properly.
then the whole defending thing in the circle is always screwed up with me :/
i somehow forget to defend also. which makes matters worse.....
carnival is coming soon! and my standard still so lan4><
heh then ended at 5 cos mrs sandy tan say family day -.-
in the end we still continued trng a bit.
went for teamdinner at coro.
saw my brother somewhere at the exit o.o
hmmm quite nice to eat with the team(:
then latr had to go home early cos i had to reach home by 9.
the whole entire bus was quite empty. only 3 ppl.
and so i jus lie my whole body on the sit to sleep. super nice heh.
shall end here.
i dont know what to do now. i dont feel like studying. and nobody's online everything. nvm i shall go sleep till tmr. byebye
{ 2:26 AM }
hmmm today was quite ok la.
elearning was
red beard!(:
then food chem was quite fun but smelly.
cos the eggs super smelly.
but the end product smell like chicken gingseng! :D
then bio make up was quite....ehhhh dont know.
and then erererer went shannon's hse to watch ah long(:
hmmm on the way home....
suddenly i saw this brown disgusting NYMPH! cockroach
which was crawling on sth wrong on shannon shirt....
then the 3 of them still blurr blurr there><
lucky it died in the end...... if not i fly until dont know where already.
then nv watch violent or scary movie with jianing =.=
she anyhow grab one. and nv see attack where....
hmm went back at 6 30+
yeah shall end here. byebye.
{ 5:32 AM }
hmm today handphone kena confiscated drng e-learning.
long story. shall not elaborate.
then a bit bushuang but i know its still my fault.
foodchem was quite fun la. presention and stuffs.
then lat was bio at com lab which dragged into my trng's time......
the weather was super HOT.
and i jus cant communicate with the other circle defender. bleah.
my brain got problem one. cant function at two go.
and i suddenly dont know how to defend!
like maybe too long nv play court le. then lose touch.
haiyos need to work really really hard.
cos carnival is coming.
then felt vry dizzy after trng.
saw junqi and jianing.
sry for yr long wait then nv go back with you all.
cos had really vry impt stuffs to settle.
hope things are much better now between me and you(:
sry for being such a lousy friend><
{ 7:22 AM }
hmm suppose to wake up at 8am to go temples....
but of cos i woke up at 10am><
so the whole family waited for me.
heh then went to thomsan there the 'house temple',
which is near prata house.
super duper lot ppl O.O
then had to queue up to er bathe the buddha??
jus take one scoop and pour flower water on the budhha and then can be blessed i think.
they earn super lot $$ lo.
so many ppl bathe the buddha then one person need one angbao.
ate some beehoon.
then went prata house to eat breakfast(:
yay so long nv eat nice nice prata.
then my parents were actually intending to eat vegatarian the whole entire day.
means no meat related food
then my father eat prata
then i was like "aiyo you eat until meat already leh"
dad : " dont have what! prata is vegetarian"
me : " curry got fish and chicken one"
dad: " ohhhh, aiyoh, nvm its side dish :D"
lollllll then dinner most probably going to eat vegatarian at my aunt's hse....
now my parents are at another temple,
when me and my brother went home first(:
-hope all victms of the earthquake to rest in peace
p/s you shldnt let go so easily now.....cos we still have a long way to go and you also mean alot to me too. pls dont make a deicsion so fast. things will get better if we believe<3bff
{ 8:36 PM }
today went out with junqi and jianing(:
lazy to update><
but the trip made me feel better from my mixed up mind.
had many great laughing time everywhere...
especially in the toilets and neoprint shop.
ate dinner and went home at 7++
i dont know what to do now......><
{ 5:56 AM }
heh i shall elaborate on friday(:
elearning was quite.....ok la. at least theres air con and computer.
but now become mac-com room then a bit....i dont know how to say.
food chem was quite ok too.
cos i dint really know anybody there.
so did everything with sara and xingying.
hahaha but it was lame and fun in a way cos we were suppose to NOT WASTE RESOURCES! (:
trng was vry sunny and we started early so can do more things!(:
but i dont like the weather.
the warm up games were quite fun. hehheh
then we did many many drills.
i still like milkshake the most! (:
this drill was called 'confusion' when we were trng under jiaomei!
and i think this drill last time we did made her pissed with our performance.....that she jus walked away like tt><
which brought back many memories of trngs under her.
i think our whole team wont forget her as our coach/snr.
cos without her, we wouldnt be what we are now.
and my passes are as screwed as ever. its either no sterngth, too far or too back....
bleah i need concentrate a lot more on my passes.
then after trng chiong to thetoilet to bathe.
and i felt vry banana-ish cos i was wearing class tee....
then chiong all the way to coro to buy dinner and flowers!
haha hcjc had a concert also so the flower shop was almost out of stock.
lucky still have flowers(:
ate dinner and went audi for choir concert!
and there wasnt anymore seats so we sat first row(:
hahaha the choir was quite intidimating cos there were quite BIGxD
then a lot of thigns happen!
shannon lost her wallet/handphone/ money.
jianing nose BLEED!
lol then i was communicating a lot at the first half of the concert.
lucky everything was solved.
hahaha the songs were vry vry nice :D
and the way they moved and sway was sure funny(:
amanda swayed like a monkey:D
hahahaha and her expression looks a bit constipated but vry cute like a piggy.
the whole concert was vry nice but time sure flies vry fast tt it was already the end of the concert....
snt nicks was nice too(:
then at teh end when they cleared teh stage i shouted "AMANDA!"
and i think i saw her turn arnd? lollll hehheh.
the whole thing was fabulous and i believe all of them sang their hearts out.
but i still dont like the butt of the er conductor><><><
cos it was blocking amanda's face!!!!!
hahaha then van, chuan,me, celeste, shannon, jianing and junqi went up to 3rd floor to look for amanda tan wei mun to deliver the flowers!
and it was such screaming time when me and junqi were afraid of the dark=.=
cos SOME ppl keep scaring us la!
then i was grabbing and hugging jianing cos i was really scared.
the whole entire floor was full of DARKNESS D:
omg tian ah nxt time dont ever go up in the night.....
so we went down and saw amanda!
hahahaha she looked very nice and pretty(:
hmmm then talked for a while and had to go.
went macs a while.
hmmm hope you like the letter and flowers amanda! (: great concert!
p/s hope tt disaster wont happen.....
{ 10:16 PM }
TRAINING! (: taken by chuanling


all the diff colour of aga aga piled up! :D

the nice solution!

sabbaticals! food chem was quite ok la. nt tt fun cos i dint really know anybody there.....

hahaaha consecutive shots! :D the piggy head is visible (:

BLEAH! see the conductor's big butt blocking amanda? i was wanting to smack it the whole time but i didnt(: haha i know this is mean....but who ask it block amanda(:

snt nicks choir(:

the intimidating nyc cos we were sitting in the front row(:

yaye i see amanda! hahaha she looksquite short and cute there:D
{ 9:32 PM }
im in the com lab now(:
and amanda face looks like a piggy again....
anw all along look like a pig so nvm :D
then shes shaking her PIG HEAD now!
jianing the china doll is so engroosed in her work tt she is expresionless.
junqi at her dashboard going to post sth.
hmm ytd was quite a lot of things day.
most of tt time there was this evil devil in me tt made me dao ppl><
sry to those especicially amanda tan wei mun....
always end up daoing you one><
and daoing make myself feel even worse:D
lesson learnt : dont dao hahaha and im not daopok la mandy tan
she just spined many rounds arnd her chair and smiling at herself...
hais wu liao person:D
today ran 2.4km in the morning.
woah traffic jam then my father's car stuck in the middle of the road=.=
and i was late for napfa. couldnt run with jieying><
11.59 min. although it was under 12 but can be better.
hahaha thx to all those who came to see me(:
now my head feels gong and my legs vry nua.
and i think i failed bio spa.
although it was very fun getting the long green thingo and plucking out all the seeds, but the qns i all dont know how to do.
ehhh dont know what to post already.
latr theres assembly and im going somewhere with junqi after maths remedial! ok.
{ 8:53 PM }
hello this is a random post!
jolene = black dao person = terrifying netballer!
remember this equation!:D
hahahaha everyone say good luck to jolene for her 2.4 this wednesday... even though she'll get like 0.0001111 sec or something. pro black person(:
stop being emotionless and blurr you blacky!
LIVEN UP! term2's coming to an end!
hahaha this is such a crappy postxD
{ 4:49 AM }

hahaha this is the pic i did on photoshop today after school while waiting for amanda and jianing to finish their work :D mwhahahahaha! (:
{ 4:40 AM }
hahaha today was not much special.
woke up at 10+
and discovered my mother disappeared><
she went to buy lunch....
then gave her the earring i bought for her(:
and then i did some work in the afternoon
and talked to amanda on the phone.
then latr we wanted to go yishun sakae sushi eat one.
but amanda said all fully booked already including northpoint.
failed attempt to meet each other for dinner:(
in the end went for my bigbig family vegeatarian dinner at ang mo kio.
ate till quite full.
then latr we went to the macs drive through to buy nuggets and ice cream.
and then my father was like
"one nugget student meal and one mariva ice cream"
dad: oh! one vanira ice cream!
dad one marina ice cream!
us: -faints-
mac person : oh one VANILLA ice cream sir?
tt person was in a want to laugh but cannot laugh the tone and it was damn funny. marina ice cream!
hahaha i shall go write letters and er stone. byebye.
{ 5:40 AM }
hah i shall post abt friday the ytd!
hmm wheeled shannon up as usual with the sleepy amanda in the morning(:
shannon yeo! hope you get well soon! and dont return with another cast!
then the loong assembly with the npcc was quite boring.
npcc march was quite scary when they stomped their feet.
malay was slack lesson in the library(:
got quite angry for some reasons.
then i started to lie down to sleep....
when everybody started to mess my hair and TIE it....omg><
of cos the ending was NOT NICE.
with everybody shoving out hps.
recess was ice pop! hahaha ice pops are nice when you dont break them into half.
music latr was the last one of our ny life.
so it was quite memorable in a way too.
cos we sang "DARE TO DREAM"
a super super nice song! best ever!(:
if anybody has it can send me?
then cl was quite er boring hehheh.
and i was feeling unproportionate.
as in not normal.
lunch clean up classroom. then jiamin arrived again with her deodorant! hahaha.
i went up to print stuffs for chuanling at com lab.
then went back classroom to play elephant beachball with jiamin. funfunfun(:
hahaha and then was home ecs! cooked beehoon.
although it dint turned out that nice.....><
and it may be the cos of my rash drng trng afterwards.
drama was quite ok la.
then after school was RUSH cos i scared i will be late for cca. so chionged like crazy.
soon, many choir ppl swarmed into the class to help amanda with her geog sia.
woah quite scary. worse than black ppl i think :D
was quite excited cos i haven been trng for quite some time.
warm up was fun with ice and freeze(:
then latr we did some ball drills.
and the worst thing happened....
many mosquito-like rash started appearing on my cheek><
bleah scary sat down to let my face rest.
was pouring water on my face to wash wtv dirt off.
and amanda walked past.....lolllll
hmm then went to get ice from pe depart to dispel the swelling.
and YAYE it worked! so i could continue trng(:
oh and our the number "1" grp of tt trng was the most sway one.
1st: my face had many rash D:
2nd: chuanling sprained her ankle D:
3th: joey fell and her knees bled D:
so our population was getting lesser.
we need more baby bonus.
{ 9:53 AM }
hmmm quite a slack day.
received a letter with a scary dentures gummy....abit sia si ren.
sprained ankle drng morn court :/
cant train and run 2.4 tmr....
then had LA which was quite boring.....
cme was stoning.
then shannon also sprained her ankle.
so we two go toilet tgt is two paika walk tgt.
wang lao shi not coming for two days
so we did li jie 6. bleah always do and do very sian><
then history was slack cos mrs kuan dint come.
movie screening on some random stuff but i dint really watch it.
after school stayed back to wait for junqi to finish her lijie.
and amanda tan had two lijie to finish still dont faster do! aiyohyoh.
slept throughout the bus.
then when i was on my way home,
i walked past this pitiful old woman who had her legs curved in and had difficulty in walking....
then latr i was at the traffic junction where i had to cross the road.
and somehow there were SO MANY CARS! so according to the policemen who came to our primary school in p4 said tt we shld look left and right when crossing the road, i looked LEFT and RIGHT.
suddenly i noticed jus now tt old woman waving frantically at me...... =OOOO
then she said BYEBYE to me.
ohmymamatian and papadi!>< so freaky.
cos i dont even know her. i was like trying to remember whether i saw her be4...
so i faster said byebye to her and siam off into my condo's gate as fast as possiblexD
lucky she dint follow me.
quite a scary experience. although it is counted friendly.
EXTREMELY friendly already. cos we dint even say hello. then end with byebye. nvm.
of cos i said byebye and walked away as fast as i could into my condo's gate.....
woah lucky she nv follow me.....
quite scary cos some random person say byebye to you on the street although it is quite nice to friendly.
but this is EXTREMELY friendly already.
lesson learnt : never look behind to say BYEBYE to any random person
p/s and i know its mean to say this....but why dint you come to school today??? you dont want to face the truth...isnt it? its sooner or later somebody will say it. so dont get all pissed up and angry. not showing up in school to face everybody is jus cowardice....bye.
{ 2:18 AM }
hmm had project meeting as usual in the morn.
but this time i need not wake up so early anymore, cos it was at my hse.
and zhao junqi reached the bus stop at 10 05 when the meeting supposed to be 10 30...
chionged like crazy.
then we started doing la POEMS!
actually creating poems can be fun. especially LOVE poems.
hahaha cos all sorts of crazy ideas will pop out.
then lunch was macs.
shared mac wings and nuggets with junqi. and we started creating another love poem there.
with a couple right beside us.....
shall post some parts :
"love is vast, full of lust. i saw you, and sparks fly."
"our journey begins, with a GRIN"
"we created a new life, through the surgery knife"
"but hearts beating in unison, our love will never die"
draining away my sorrows,
like a colourful rainbow,
you help me when i'm down,
making myself found.
without your presence,
my soul wont have essence,
for what you have given,
it will never be forgotten.
lol and shannon kept praising herself tt she can be pro poet.
hah dont worry we 4 are not love sick or wtv.
it just came out of our minds (:
junqi left for organ lesson while me celeste and shannon went back to do geog sia.
bleah finally finished everything and started to....
watch liang popo! WUWUWUWUWUWU~
hmmm they left at 5 30 and i went to sleep till 7 30.
and my dinner was infested with ants>< size="1">
some decisions are quite a regret.but even if time was returned,it would still be dilemma....are decisions tt painful to make?even if some ppl mean more to me,i dont want anybody to get hurt><a hyprocrite in what i actually mean.but this feeling came after deciding.....sorry
{ 5:21 AM }
hah today was quite eventful?
first started off with me meeting amanda at the canteen.
actually i wanted to help her carry her noodles,
but she actually muscularly carried to the canteen! (:
hmmm then went down court and i DONT look like ah ma!
and we vandalised the court a little bit. not say a lot la.
then assembly was a lot of things!
hahah first shannon went up and she was the only one figiting arnd and giggling at herself, which made it super funny!
then choir went up to sing some songs. and the actions were super funny also! hahaha! SOMEBODY say it was suppose to be seducing..... :oooo
hmm then had class breakfast! i think i took too much spaghetti sauce....><><><
trng warmup was vry fun! hahaha but napfa had to stop it.
and the way shannon come and find us was quite cute(:
then did napfa. quite ok la. my situps was screwed up when a lot were not counted....
hmm then trng was not very tedious after tt.
yea then went home with jianing and junqi.
is history going to repeat itself again...?idk.
{ 7:43 AM }
i dont know what to do now.....
so super super super SUPER
SUPER SUPER BOREDDDDDDD!everybody is rushing work tt is due tmr.
so its very bad to go bother them.
hah nvm i shall be a quiet person and stay in wait....
the weather sucks. so hot until it want to cook me.
no wonder theres such a thing called the HOTDOG!
now i think im one already.
yaye humandog.
tmr is napfa! ahhhhhhhhh my sit and reach and pull ups.
diediedie. shall go practice now.
im bored :/ byebye.
rahhhhhhhh actually i have many things to do.
but i dont feel like.
{ 3:36 AM }