{ 3:55 AM }
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUNQI!YAYE! hahaha happy birthday girl! hmmm what i want to say is all written in the postcard! (:
today reached school at 6.45am! my mother thinks im crazy when i can reach at 8 and sleep one hr more>< but of coz there are many impt things i want to settle (: saw amanda blush like crazy for the first time! hahahaha! like some tomato lo. CHILLI CON CARNE! ha you owe me a song =p then slacked arnd till 8 30 and mr chow had to go for some cca thingo AGAIN! so we shuang shuang free lesson again. so far missed abt 4hrs of LA already! was asked to do unit 1 poem thing...which qn was ... "what is poetry??" o.o dint bother to do and was SUPER BORED xD
oh yea wang lao shi dint allow amanda to switch place with celeste DDDDD: blehh coz she says the ppl there need her! like we dont need like tt! ahhhh so sad. oh and SOMEONE was pouting the whole entire cl lesson....haiyo who ah who ah.hahaha it was super funny! =p hehe bt sometimes i also pout><
then was maths! finally i understood sth from mr fang's lesson... but graphs vry ma fan need draw out. first row has this miraculous power to make you pay attention. and shannon became sherlyn? and i realise xinyi has biantai eyes too! hahahahaha! she refilled my bottle to the brim and my whole skirt was wet! lol evil ><
got back geog results. could have gotten higher but...whats done cannot be undone. coz i saw the qn wrongly and i went toilet and my ppr kana confiscated D: and hope the special someone cheers up coz she really look dejected. hehe see alien green card! hope it will help.
malay watched the malay movie again! hahahaha! super funny! dont know why but malay movies are super entertaining! coz their actions are super exagerating and they do super lame stuffs. hmmm quiz nxt week! cikgu says those who fail must have interview for the malay trip! DIE already! coz i only know one to ten! >< satu dua tiga empat lima enam tujuh 8 sembilan puluh? oh no see its even worse than knowing ten only. i know one more! boleh saya bertanya! mwhahahahahaa!
then went pop with amanda and junqi to buy graph pad and FOOD! haha amanda was like "woah so much food ah!" i gave her a kitkat to cheer her up but she said she somehow expected it ....not fun already :/ lalala then took 74 to amk hub! i think the driver could see me eating the whole journey coz i was sitting right in front of the mirror...hahaha! and double deckers are SURE fun! so exciting ok! expecially when you sit in front! LIKE MOVIE LIKE TT! :D talked abt some random stuffs then reached and we pangseh amanda in the bus! hahaha!
went into some dark cd shop in some ulu place O.O got out and bought bubble tea! lalala mini pearls. and of coz i nt as dumb as jianing to take the small straw (: went into another BRIGHT cd shop! yaye i saw the golden dont know what cd tt i saw on advert ytd! wheee~ so bought for junqi! asked her to wait outside so i can tear away the pricetag. then it will depict a scene where i coincidentally saw her in amk hub and gave her the present and said HAPPY BIRTHDAY! hahaha! dint want to go home too soon so we walked arnd! entered minitoons! hahaha roamed arnd in it for quite a long time. in the end i bought a spongebob thingo! hahaha! then bought junqi another DIY frame thing! the same situation of giving the present occured again! hahaha so funny! then were tired so went home! discovered ahman called me 45 mins be4 :o then she said she need a whistle! hahahaa.
so i happily went into the bookshop asking if they selled any whistle! then got one scary auntie say "OEIH, 跟我来! " hahaha a bit freaked out then choose yellow! coz it was the nicest colour there>< then i called amanda to report tt i bought it! hahahaha had a great talk all the way home and at home (: ERM....ERM....ERM.... hahaha! and she said she cut her hair and now she looks like a toad! omg cant wait to see her tmr! :D hope the 'surprise' was good enough (:
theres music test tmr! *HYPERVENTILATES* i will fail it for sure. i got a real good feeling for failing it coz i totally dint listen for all music lessons. this year music lessons vry vry boring><><
{ 2:45 AM }
im having monday blues now....><
lalalala! tmr will be a better day!
lol so lame>< im getting bored at the wrong time...
its 22 41 now. i shld go to sleep. byebye!
{ 7:37 AM }
so i shall post some stuff!
what i did today:-
-woke up at 11am
-ate lunch and watched tv till 1pm
-did SOMETHING till 3pm
-STONE all the way till 5pm
-ate dinner
-talking to amanda
what amanda did today:-
-woke up at 11am
-read book till 12pm
-ate lunch
-cont reading
-slept at 2/ woke up at 5 (100% pig imported from singapore)
-watch tv till 5 30
-talking to ahem ahems
lol ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i want tmr to come REAL soon!
now my seating arrangement quite okay la.
jus tt right amanda is VERY far away from me.
lucky still got shannon.
behind me is audrey. lol i not so biantai one ><
hmmm still got 3pprs left to take bac.
la la la la
la la la la
du du du du du
la la la la
tmr is junqi's birthday! happy early birrthday!
{ 3:37 AM }
wheeeee today was quite a nice day!
except the cl ppr part.
the entire atmosphere so DULL and glum..
spot check after assembly ><
caught for skirt again...
i nv fold and it was on my knee?! aiyo BIASISM la.
music was fun! but i couldnt dance....lol nv imitate dancers when you arent dancers. then cl ppr..entire class atmpshpere like go down completely. like why teachers want to harm us by giving such difficult pprs. i think if i failed somemore pprs, it wouldnt affect me coz like quite immune already
and of coz the main point was...vip was looking glum like a black color papaya ><home ecs! hahaha savoury thingo with green apples! nv enter a kitchen with these four of these ppl : chuanling, junqi, amanda, me ><
drama we couldnt perform coz too many not present. so did some darkness thingo. like anyhow walk arnd with eyes close have trust in your classmates. then theres this one where you need to find your partner's hand with your eyes closed after teacher separate both of you. did with amanda! then is like first i touched jianing's BUTT! ohmytian i dint know it was a butt can! then latr i touched someone's hand. then like eh! is this amanda? *retouched* realised it was amanda! lol! then theres one time where you jus run ahead with your eyes closed and have trust tt your classmates will catch you! veryvery thrilling and fun! hahahahaha.
trng! the warmup run was quite fast. we past by the npcc ppl then one of them said "aiyo, you see the diff in speed..." lol. then 3 suicides right after tt! almost died coz stamina very lousy. did square ball,highest point,down the line,full court. there was this dancing thing which was quite fun. hmmm then jnrs having pt. yaye now trngs are like more productive and fun in a way (: quite happy since it was long since i felt tt>< like after seasons trng were super slack and unproductive. be4 seasons were like tiring and stressful although productive. like vry long nv feel the joy of trng already. the tiredness you feel is worth it coz of the fun. lalalala.
sec3s parent meeting session was like quite grand with a buffet. took geraldine's car home(: this weekend not much hm. so can relax a bit. lalalala im hungry...shall go complete my bioreport.
{ 5:13 AM }
today had 2hrs of free lessons! (:
getting cl ppr bac tmr...
got bad feeling will fail again.
sitting in front row now :/
but then tmr can change seats le!
hope the PLAN can succeed.
ahhhhh nth to post. coz i want cover the previous one.
ermerm oh ya! amanda vry slow at realising tricks...
like need repeat a lot of times then can understand.
aiyo random. nvm.
bio the most fun thing was to poke the big fish with the LONG thermometer :D
lol all of them run away from me. then must run after them.
om slack again. then went kallang for cip!
snrs rescued one toddler bird in the drain :o
like the hole so small, dont know how it went in.
it seemed injured. but then lucky rescued.
then only got 5 sec2s cos bus not enough space ><
and we kana picked by mrs tan...
then got one ahemahem talk xD
in the end rained so match postpone.
singapore sports school super pro.
the flow of the ball vryvry fast.
oh the kfc there the drinks are refillable!
super cool.
then jaime dabian stank up the whole toilet....
got jackets smelling again...
rahhh this time i took bac the wrong one.
coz it is super dirty...then tmr must wear the ny one.
aiyo nth to post already.
{ 3:09 AM }
the 'new' term started quite badly.received maths ppr back :/the marks was quite expected but dint know it would be so lousy.maths was all along my strongest subject and i jus _____it.mr fang said "i thought you could catch up...." and i knew sth was wrong already.overconfidence and dint even bother to revise and practice was my result of _____.i must cut down alot alot on the com and msn.was unable to prove my ability to fang/parents.i think tt was the main point of being disappointed.high expectations. but cant cry over spilled milk anymore.i shall jus work hard and hope the best for other subs.i will and must accept the truth if i do badly for the other 5.although i know tt it is only one dumbo block test, but the red thingo with a circle arnd it really can make wonders and make drastic changes to moods. out of the whole entire big stack of pprs, the most impt thing is tt red thingo. i dont understand why...p.s its not yr fault, dont blame yourself. its jus totally mine. cheer up.
{ 6:34 AM }
YAYE! had a great and fantastic day at amanda's hse today! for more details please proceed to jianing's or amanda's blog! :D ok i shall post. hahaha nth better to do.
1. was late in meeting junqi at khatib mrt....psps. then the mrt trip very stagnant...O.O
2. went macs to eat! rahh i bought my $3.50 burger then discovered i could buy it at like $3 for a burger&coffee?!! so open my coupons bigbig to give junqi. THEN! some auntie come to me to ask for two! then i jus orh ok give her lo...then latr she APPEARED and gave us two HASHBROWNS! lol then we haven thank her...she walk away liao! >< amanda came and we hid behind some pillar from her! HAHAHA! then she so blurr walk until the other end! and then right the macs auntie CHEAT MY FEELINGS! coz she suddenly come out from the counter holding sososo many balloons and dnt ask if i want anot. when i actually WANTED!:/ so i ask her after much hesitation then she agreed and asked me to wait. then i WAIT WAIT WAIT! she said her blow thingo spoil...so she ask me WAIT again! so i jus HAIYAS NVM LE! *walks away with amanda and junqi* coz i nv received balloons in macs be4 so quite disappointingD:
3. met jianing at amk hub. and told her abt the SUPER funny story abt dumbo amanda shifting a dummy model jus to see the clothe we bought for audrey there! HAHAHA! she seem tt she was hugging the model and doing some bian tai thingo xD then went to find presents! hahaha and we saw some a6 notebk sold for $36.90!! O.O so ex who will buy. bought chuanling's belated present! xD then we went cd shop to look for cheap cds to buy! and we saw TO KILL A MOCKING BIRD! lol but it was $30. in the end, bought mr bean! LOL!
4. went ntuc to buy tibits and drinks. NO $1 coin, no trolley D: then we saw sth even more attractive than a trolley! A TROLLEY WITH A SMALL CAR IN FRONT!! how come i nv see! somemore tt one no need slot money in oneD: they got so excited seeing cans of red bull then in the end bought 1! lol! hahaha!
5. junqi jianing bought bubble tea. then jianing started to get siao coz her small straw cant suck the pearl up! then she looks like she was constipating>< then i tried and woah sucking air leh. we were at the interchange waiting for 73! then jianing started to GET SUPER HIGH! and started laughing like crazy at small things. sat with amanda in the bus (:
6. changed bus to 103! then i was lying on amanda to sleep coz i was very tired...then suddenly i hear jianing/junqi say the "just for gags" very nice. then i huh and stone a while. then when i got up, i jus saw the bird shit landing on the reporter and the other person was like :oooo! like so random and funny la! so i jus burst into laughter. lol then they say very loud...>< so paiseh so faster get off the bus!
7. reached amanda's hse! watch jus follow law for abt 15mins be4 we went down for lunch! nice nice noodles! then we started to talk abt super random and lame stuffs! the fish in amanda's fish tank was so lonely, so i ask jianing go pei2 it. then i imagine jianing's head SWIMMING in the tank like a goldfish and cant stop laughing! hahaha! and we kept digressing but it was sure funny! told them abt my aeroplane story! lol super dumb lo. then we tok abt going cemetries but i nv go be4 wheras amanda went 5 times alrady!!?! so scary... had a fantastic time talking abt our own experiences and random thingos.
8. continued with just follow law! so amanda was the only one who dint watch be4 i think. although i watched it like super lot times, but it was still very funny la. like all the stupid actions and bian tai thingos. then got some part quite touching one, then the feeling weird weird one. lol. ate a lot of tibits! then we watched mr bean! but dnt understand the whole entire story..only laugh at parts he do dumbdumb things. got bored. played music and got HIGH! (:
9. like jus plain jumping arnd and throwing pillows at each other! but i was very very fun though! then they started messing up my hair....and i banged amanda into her whole wardrobe of books! dint know impact so great tt the whole wardrobe attempted to fall whole down on us! but it dint la.hahaha. but amanda was super shocked and smack me with pillows xD
10. went down for tea and roti prata! nice nice curry! then talked abt social attiquettes! hahaha in the end i used my hands>< then jianing sit until SO DEMURE hor! hahaha talked abt random stuffs again and went back to HIGH! lalala then amanda sprayed baby powder on us! the floor so slippery! then it was soon for us to go. then the atmosphere so DULL. coz i wanst really feeling tt good...like suddenly tot of having to study all over again in term2! and we dint have a PROPER HOLIDAY CAN?! like wth. okay sry. took 854 back. bus trip super quiet. nobody talked. me and junqi stoning. jianing SNORING AWAY! LOL!
p/s hope you feeling muchmuch better after tt call (: lalalala! setbacks are part and parcel of life! so....JUST SET OUR BACKSIDES ON THEM AND FART DARINGLY INTO THEM! mwhahahaha! <#
{ 8:13 AM }
i bought a new lime green asics netball shoe! ((((:

although colour change only... BUT THE LIME GREEN IS VERYVERY NICE!! (: bought for $121 at queensway.
the interior...netball! inside got decorations of lime green also.
hmmm actually want meet up today do RAFT proposal one. but then shannon go malaysia. so went queensway to get new shoe! coz mine worn out le. then went for dinner. whoo! sambal stingray, sambal sotong, kangkong and nice nice pork ribs! ate two big bowls of rice ><>
{ 5:16 AM }
i think i felt muchmuch better le... (:
coz sleeping helps to forget things.
ytd got super lot magma eruption from my eyes xD
dont know why it jus kept coming down.
haish my previous post very not nice. so must cover up!
yaye i need thank ppl first.
shannon;the friend i had relied on from beginning of sec1 life! hahaha thx for listening to me rant abt everything on the bus coz i was really in a bad mood at tt moment of time...after bts and trng. and thx for being such a comfortable friend to be with and helping me SMELL my jacket out!>< <3
amanda; hahaha though i only got to know you. like got real close super fast. coz got tt FEEL there! dont think wrong (: thx for being there for me whenever im not feeling too good and sensing my mood? freaky senser....you can really touch ppl's heart. like how mandalism brought joy order peace stability and prosperity by colonising jolene's puny heart. many things to say but you know it in your heart right? but nxt time dont sense too much coz it will affect your happy mood...and i will feel super guilty. hahaha but still a super cheem person, coz yr post super cheem... the comfortable tortoise piggy(: hahaha! <#
jianing nehneh; lol i dont know what to say. but thanks for brightening up my life with your LARMNESS on msn, drng lessons as a tablemate. a bit rou ma to say nice things to this lame person. but sometimes on msn you suddenly get so high and your super sick and funny sounds made me laughed like crap. aiyo you must really stand up for your rights...if dont want then dont go><oh yea i had a real weird dream. super happy coz i dont get to dream tt often in my life. but my dreams always came through. like really got experience tt certain scene i dreamt!! haha cool right. so i dreamt abt...oh no i forget. anw shannon amanda and jianing appeared in my dream. tts what i remember. and we were quite happy jumping abt in some weird place. ahhhhhh forget forget le D: and i know the dream was sososo nice that i continued it until 12pm. yaye dreams are quite nice coz i dont have any nightmares. coz my dreams always come true if have nightmare i will freak out. like last time how i dream tt i got 262 for psle before results day...and i got 263. like quite close then quite shocked at the power of my dreams. yaye excited for tmr!!! really hope tt shannon yeo can come...
hmmm yea. people who made my life much better! really dont wnt separate nxt year. like scared without seeing, doing work and talking to each other will let the relationship and gap become bigger bigger until jc we see each other and dont even say hi. raining cat poo and dog poo.... all da bian again. oh yea! YAYE im going to buy new netball shoes! lala hope can get the new lime green one joey said. coz mine worn out then sometimes very slippery. i really need to brush my mentally and physically skills in netball. heard tt we going to train with the sec3s next tue! woah tts even more scary...will see the vast diff between our skills>< oh orientation for sec1s is coming! new angels mortals! funfunfun and jnrs going to greet us. dont know what will haappen...how will i respond. chuanling this type sure dao one la. then jnrs will very scared of her.....O.O lucky im born in 1994 if not i have chuanling this type of DAO snr, i will freak out..
{ 11:41 PM }
im supposed to be high.
but it dint turned out so :/
still quite in a sian and mug mood. feeling super empty.
things just start too fast and end too fast for me even to accept.
it happens for many many things.
block test really made me really really tired with fatigue.
my mind is blocked. notes appearing in and out.
the stress reminded for another of hard time learning things.
how time passes so quickly and soon its end of year.
and 205 will separate... dont want to think abt it.
but it will come sooner or later.
i will fail fail fail fail fail fail every single thing. 6 fails jus nice.
my maths i jus let 5 marks gone like tt. really angry with myself.
but its quite fast. as in 2 days and misery is over.
but the misery in studying and memorising, cramping my small brain with overwhelming things that im so not interested in is really bad.
like many ppl's mood really affected.
first day was nervous. second day like dont bother much. jus want to quickly finish everything.
but when i come home i feel like mugging. like sth is missing.
soon mugging will commence again for block tests without me knowing when. its really really fast.
of coz not i write onexD
hmmm trng was very slacky as usual and i think there was this weird atmosphere there. no mood no mood. and like with no coach. we dont learn new things and trng really getting not very necessary. ppl being pissed with each other. but taopok was fun though>< i was squashed like some roti prata. then joined snrs and defended them. woah flying superwomen :o can feel wind of zai-ness. yea then there was confusion of jackets with shannon at the canteen...coz my jacket dont know fly until where. hmm lucky found it in the end. then bus was super hot! like no aircon and was like BURNING. which made things even worse. talk lalala. hope shannon can make it for saturday. it will sure make things better...although i also want to see a special person as much too :D thanks a lot for everything <#
hehe this one i write one :D vast diff from the one upstairs...
my passion for nb is dying soon...and the feeling wont be there anymore...
{ 7:04 AM }
tmr is term 2 already :/
more work, more projects, more sias, more things to learn, more things to achieve, more expectations...more EVERYTHING!
and block test is like coming like one big GREEN POKY DURIAN and it is rolling to me at high speed now when i have not worn my metal armour and helmet to protect myself.
geog sci la maths cl done. i jus cant get down on history. colonise here colonise there. last time the ang moh lang so wu liao and nth better to do one. jus stay put their big fat butt there and dont move arnd and we no need learn all these crap already what! but then if they not kepo, then there wont be today the singapore. but but COLONIALISM is VERYVERYVERY BORING! is like learn and forget...learn and forget. very useless. we learn coz we want get good grades. then when we grow up we cant remember anything abt it if we are not specialised on it. i rather learn the war! die here die there more fun and thrilling!
hmmm seats changing tmr i think. i dont want change D: but then the mean jianing dont wnat sit beside me =.= blehhh i like my this sitting arrangement the best. coz surronding me are very interesting people :) - jianing amanda chuanling vanessa shanping
i shall look forward to school tmr. coz there is still a barney! whee. hope i wont sleep drng tmr lessons. really want block test gan kuai zou diao! then can go out watch movie :) hahaha hope LA tmr is in com lab! then can play again. oh the raft for LA haven do yet....
p.s calls with v.i.p are super nice and heartwarming :D yaye got motivation!<###########
{ 7:48 AM }
hmmm hah had quite a fun afternoon at amanda's hse !
received morn call from her at 9am.
hahaha better wake up earlier if not im always late for project meetings..
then soon 854 turned into yiochukang road and we were officially lost :o
lol coz all the hses looked the same O.O
then my mother called me to say its after a petrol kiosk and opp a church.
we were like "tt one is church izzit?" "no la!" "aiyo where are we???"
lucky we alighted safe and sound opp a church.
hahaha then went 7-11 buy big gulp where amanda suddenly POP out and scare us.
shannon blog finally revived! hahas watch one super larm ep of pck. discuss a bit of the poster then ate lunch.
super paiseh coz amanda's ah ma, mum and bro was there xD yumyum!
went to fetch amanda's sis then played with the ONE-EYED RABBIT.
LOL like so kelian lo. many things to why it is pitiful
1. it has only one pathetic EYE---> O.x
2. it does not have a proper name
3. it is very bony
4. its owner is scared of it
5. it is lonely
6. it stares at its da bian every day
7. i dont know its sex
lol in the end i was carrying it arnd and those 3 musketeers were avoiding the rabbit ><
(parts cut off) :/

the thing i drew on my leg out of boredom! lol looks quite obscene...

the shy little host and cute hamlet!

yours truly, hamlet^^
{ 6:19 AM }
lalala super bored...
although i jus discovered studying is fun,
but seeing all the words and the amt i need to memorise,
my mood like totally went down D:
coz i haven been really studying in term 1.
rahhhh i missed history lessons like crazy.
so now i can only kao4 myself and ppts to pass :/
last night drank red bull and my eyes was still wide open O.O till like 1am,
then the effect wore off and i went to sleep..
lol. random but i know it is for our future.
other schools enjoying holidays now then we ny mugging like siao.
is like not fair lo. holidays arent even holidays. whats the point of calling it holidays.
and now my knees are getting worse. dont know why. but thereas the feeling of one big hole inside my knees then start to hurt.
ytd had trng. rubbish court was quite fun. had bad stitch drng the 3 rounds :/
then i waited for celeste till 12.
meantime i went up and down with my chicken wing and hashbrown to 4th floor anticipating to see amandatanweimun the
tortoise. then first time is like she need go back prac. then so disappointing...second time i ran all the way up like scared latr cannot see again. hahas so quite exciting. then said hello then byebye already. but then! latr she ran down and gave me a very motherly barney hug! hahahas nice nice :) lol the whole thing like some 牛郎织女 thing ><
then wait wait wait finally see celeste. so ate lunch tgt. then the 171 took super duper long to come!!!!!!!!! and somemore it was raining dog poo and cat poo...
went esplanade library ytd to watch opium war with shannon and celeste.
woah like cant believe im inside some blue colour durian of singapore.
then saw geeling and shihui and sophia! lol they on some maths workshop.
movie quite nice la. jus tt got some bloody parts very :o
and jianing is a big bully...
she make me dizzy, want to vomit and want to cry D:
then we had a very LARM judge- amanda
so end up nth happen at all O.O
ok must go mug again...ahhhh somebody entertain me.
{ 4:26 AM }
nth much to say.
jus tt i want complain to my mamee,
tt jianing keep on bully me DDDDDD:
first she dao me,
then she bully me.
then she say my pronounciation no good.
ppl talk to me will want smack me D:
{ 3:35 AM }
{ 7:21 AM }
hmm nth to post abt but feel like posting.
before i go into the mugging sessions.
but i doubt i will succeed in mugging.
yea so today quite an enriching day?
hahahas coz jianing and shanping went to amanda's hse to do maths sia.
video-called. then it was super funny. coz they were so spastic. hahahaha.
one the hair anyhow swing, one make funny noises, one lying there like one tortoise as usual and making weird sounds occasionally.
and in the end they didnt do anything at all! mwhahahahaa!
actually they said wanted to do. then in the end they went to sleep and eat high-tea! lol.
after shanping left, then is like dont know what happen.
they say i dao them, then dont want talk to me liao.
then latr dont want talk then dont want talk la.
and the thing became quite negative ><
supposed to be joking one.
lol then i a bit angry also.
and then i was like saying i dont miss lsc to amanda in a fit of anger.
then she became angry also...
anyway now yu3 guo4 tian1 qing1 already.
woah after jianing left.
i talked to amanda for 45mins.
a new record. coz it was quite long xD
talking to a person who said jiayous to somebody who is going to pee is very interesting! *weowe*
basically this whole post abt them. but is interesting to me. hahaha i find talking to amanda on the phone or whereever is very heartwarming :) yaye lie/hug her on jus plain looking at her is already quite nice! hahaha this is getting over romantic... yea so i want to thank you for everything <3! hahas we still have a LONGLONG WAY TO GO!lalalala~ ok goodluck to all for mugging! yay! block test is coming! whee~ i love mugging! i love mugging! (form of motivation)byebye!
{ 5:11 AM }
not really tt fun like last year.
coz is we organise ourselves,
then sometimes abit screwed and boring><
but still quite ok (:
especially at night and lord of wars!
first day
went labrador park for amazing race.
hehe finally saw amanda's ezlink card pic (:
quite cute what *grins*
the games quite nice la.
especially the climbing up a pole to get the ppr.
but we dint get to climb the hill D:
posters of mas selamat everywhere!!!
toilet so small got four big posters already..
then thereas this flour thing to blow until the ping pong ball at the bottom surface.
and the flour all go to our faces and it hardened D:
oh eggs are dangerous. nv eat,boil,touch nor see it. ITS DANGEROUS.
prep time for drama. quite noisy and rahhhhhhhhhh
food for everything not nice one D:
bt too hungry to think abt it.
then movie screening. slept halfway coz backache><
but the movie is quite nice(: coz i watched the last part only.
SLEEPING! hahah sleeping is very nice. coz i nv sleep. ok actually have.
hmm talk with shannon and amanda. then played songs to sleep. shy xD. lol.
kiasu 205 woke up at 5 30 when we can wake up at 6 30 -.-
second day
telematch by 201/202.
the games quite fun.
but then some dont really understand><
yea overall quite nice (:
the prep time again!
haish feel super duper sian drng tt time.
coz like keep repeating the same thing all over again.
quite prepared after tt. khong guan biscuits!
yaye leadership games! mwhahahaha!
the only problem is we dint get to convince the teachers to let the students wear slippers for lord of wars since they are going to get wet :/
be4 everything started we already drenched liao. hahas.
then went everything started. woah siao messy and confusing leh.
flour ppl waterbomb grass saliva all flying arnd like crazy!
and i was in the mist of everything and suddenly blurred diao.
then i happily running to some random place AND
one person threw one waterbomb at me and my whole body wet again! pfffft
IM MARSHALL LEH! kana 4 waterbombs D:
then latr when i was busy squeezing out the muddy juice in a plastic bag. very ren4 zhen1. then some random tortoise go splash one whole pail of water on me and claims tt she is smart. :/ and then she flew away. tortoise,penguin,monkey and pigs can finally fly. god bless...
dripping wet like crazy la. hairy monkey still xin1 zai1 le4 huo4 D:
hahahaha but latr took revenge by putting powder on her. mwhahahaha!
another batch come in to play again(:
went arnd spreading powder on ppl's head only.
coz baby powder is good for the skin!
hahaha the fun thing is after tt we play ourselves.
amanda finally got thoroughly wet coz of me! :D
HAHAHAHAHA! laughed like crap.
then we attacked wanglaoshi
lol she blocking the tap with her leg.
but then she 1 person how she fight with us. (:
so in the end she got entirely wet also.
ANDAND got one time.
shannon transferring water to my pail to shoot at wanglaoshi.
then amanda became "kind" to help me.
and guess what.
she POURED the whole pail on me -.-
SO MEAN :/ cheat my feelings.
cleared up, eat, bathe.
then night trail. in the beginning super scary><
but then latr quite ok already. hahaha and somebody molested my butt xD
coz her finger went right into my pants. O.O
slept at quad. suppose to be romanticxD and nice.
but it was not. coz so super cold until condensation everywhere brrrrrrrrrr
risk : bird shit dropping into your mouth :O
talk and talk and talk abt everything and then always digress one.
can suddenly talk until c____m xD
hahaha then suddenly nobody talk then sleep already.
performance day. very fun! lol.
dint get any prizes.
got a bit disappointed la. but then other ppl deserve it more.
the montage was quite nice
hahaha! then left to go toapoyoh stadium support snrs.
whee! snrs won bp 22-20! they really like fly~
can feel the wave of zai-ness.
but then tt was the most exciting match i ever watch in my whole entire life.
lol! coz the ball fly here fly there my heart keep dropping.
then very happy when snrs won! (:
c'div : ct close fight with mgs. but mgs still won><
then went macs for lunch.
finally sth nice after two days of not really nice things.

shannon after blowing the flour! hahahaha!
FARTING TORTOISE / HAIRY MONKEY / SLEEPLESS PIG / PENGUIN *blurr picture taken by professional photograhper while suspect is moving.
favourite line : hello everybody, im mandy
favourite question : really?
pls contact me at any number if you see this suspiscious article. thank you for your kind co-operation. (:
{ 2:04 AM }
heh second post of the day!
haha shall post abt a very special friend.
right from the start,
i dint even know you.
like total strangers and everything.
then after a few months, i only knew you were a vry vry nice person :)
and everything carried on the same until erm the end of the year,
when we had to form our om grps.
disputes everything, breakups, friendship problems start arising.
then i think you were the most cham person there compared to others.
like you were somewhat being pushed here and there.
and i was like so ignorant. then broke down tgt.
hmmm then om everything.
like when ppl ask you do sth, you wont disagree and will always give it your best for it.
and you wont reject no matter how busy and difficult it is. like vry admirable.
and whatever ppl say of you or think of you, you just take it down and move on.
like from outside, it really hurts to see you suffering somehow. seeing you moody and everything.
the stress of being a monitress was nv seen by our classmates.
going for meetings, unable to eat and spend quality time with your friends and ccamates.
and the recent thing tt happen...
you dont need to blame yourself. you have been a great monitress and those ppl who like maybe said some things to hurt you at tt point of time are really monsterous :/
and you have been a great confidante. i wont forget the letter you wrote to me when i was so disappointed and sad after the lost of bp match. very grateful and touched.
talking to you face-to-face, msning, msn calling, smsing and phone calls were very heartwarming and nice.
and the concern i can always feel from you is very motherly? haha dont know la. jus feel tt somebody will be there for me.
with you influencing me to be cheem and do my work. then you laugh when im cheem. and i influenced you to be sick, bull and evil to kill insects. sorry... hahaha!
for om, i think you are doing well. dont put too much stress on yourself!
you did a lot a lot for the team. i know it in my heart. coz im doing nth.
just have confidence and believe in yourself, im sure you can do it very well.
and dont keep things to yourself. you can spit it out. im very free one :D
dont care abt what others think of you and be affected. must be strong and lead the class.
if you have anything or feel like breaking down, feel free to sms/call/throw pen at me/type a sentence to me :) we will always be there for you.
thank you for everything<3 MAMEEEEEEEEEE xD
{ 12:53 AM }
hmm read ziwei's post abt seasons and everything.
like the whole thing was very nice and touching...
hah so i felt like posting sth also.
like a bit huai2 nian4 seasons already.
how we emerged from nth to sth without a coach.
and get into second round and everything.
with classmates giving us best wishes be4 every match.
and ppl laughing at my weird hairstyle><
how hard we train through the past few months.
under jiaomei who put in a lot of effort.
and i remembered how screwed nynb's management was right before seasons.
no coach no jersey no team no everything.
and all of us were like quite worried and stuffs.
the feeling of playing with your team really is good. like undescribeable.
and we win and lose tgt as one.
we all knew bp was the toughest school in our draw.
so was quite prepared and really wanted to win them.
really had to thank ms chang.
coz she trained us under wet conditions many times.
and when we leading, the rain started pouring.
we all prayed tt the rain go off soon and even wanted to stop bp from leaving.
in the end the results didnt turn out well.
many broke down.
ct and rv were tough schools. they really deserve to win more than us.
in terms of skills and techniques.
nynb c'div 08<3jingwenmichelleshihuigeraldinejoyziweichuanlingjolenepeizhenjaimejoeyjiaensnrs really did nynb proud.
after so many years of b'div not being seeded and going into nationals,
netball somewhat became neglected by the school.
buying our own balls, painting our own poles, jersey, skirts and new jacket tt snrs fought for.
could really see how hard snrs train.
much much serious and harder than us.
they really really deserve to get 1st/2nd placing.
but since whats done cant be undone,
jiayous them for nationals and 3rd placing!
im sure they will do nynb and ny proud again.
and get announce on the speaker again.
i really think they deserve to go up on the podium to receive the school's applause.
like how some of them suddenly fly out of nowhere to intercept the pass and make the opponent stun there.
how jocelyn snr bang the pole down to the ground from where it stand.
and how tyco the opponents were. the ball supposedly to throw out, rebound agaisnt the pole and landed just right into the shooters hands.
we all respect and hold them in high esteem.
nynb loves all of you <3
{ 12:21 AM }