yays! latr going to watch performance with shannon, junqi and lixuxu! hoho! SHANNON WO AI SI NI LE! hahas! actually only i one person with lixuxu one...D: ok nvm so we gonna stand outside while shannon bathe! hehheh*smirks*
yesterday was 10 mins late for trng! but lucky haven start yet cause it was raining...the traffic jam was like woah! took 1h 30 min to reach school instead of the normal 40 mins! slow like a snail...so we went to the judo room in the boarding school with snrs! got air-con! but then i cannot touch the ball D: so i was sitting in one corner with chuan ling and jiaen...hah then afterthat snrs briefed us on the rules and everything then very funny! hoho:)
shannon, junqi and jianing was waiting for me! lol! they see my sms, eat my sweet and read my letter...-.- we went curry wok to eat then we ordered curry chicken, sambal kang kong, fried tofu and prawn omellete(dont know how to spell xD). nice nice except for the fact that i ate 2 plates of rice D: shannon give me like more than half the rice she had and junqi gave me two big spoons! wah my stomach was exploding liao! lucky jianing nv give me! yay! if not i would have died cause i dont like to waste food. hahas but in the end the kang kong still left a bit cause very spicy...but it was NICE! still got lime juice! yum yum! i think my stomach grew by dont know how many times..lipid...
rehearsal was sian...like too many times not fun alreadyD: then suddenly dont feel like performing on friday. like dancing we always get scolded then everybody pissed and then acting sometimes will have some cha chuo then we keep re-acting that certain scene. then of coz feel sian and i dont feel comfortable in the gown im in and the shoes...like on monday after those "supervisers" for the dancing left we enjoyed ourselves like crazy lor! turn around and around! and then some videos....HAHAHAHA! amanda so funny la like walking halfway then the "thing" dropping down landed on her head and i became the "thing" then in the end one hair stuck to the bottom of that "thing"! so super funny lar!
{ 8:30 PM }

amanda look so ming2 xin1~ hahas! audrey look blurr...shannon...i dont know... haha! seems like she is protecting sth! and then i looking at her! then jianing...OBSCENE OBSCENE! SCAN FOR VIRUS! xD

me and amanda successful! YAY! jianing is so happy for us! and her position is SO adorable! hahas! audrey like running away from us! HAHA! and shannon! eating an insect flying pass....

yay! me and evie jumping! amanda and jianing cheering! yays we know we are great! xD

everybody dao~~~~~~~eh?where is shannon?
{ 3:32 AM }
haish...the last day of school supposed to be a nice day...i start to think of the activities the whole year where we were bonded as a class and share fun and laughter but in exchange for all those happiness, we had a lot of misunderstandings and cliques problems and grpings...so as not to have all these problems brought to next year, everything was said and cleared today...screaming and crying and everything...i actually did not want to interfere and sit there quietly listening to you all but i just cant help it. i think we felt better after it and understood each other better and not hurt each other further...other classes may think that we are childish and i think my classmates first time see me so angry and crying so badly. i still feel like crying when i think of my certain classmate who went through so much pain who suddenly broke down after she was like laughing...-.-you must remember that you are always special and if you have any problems just come to us and dont keep to yourself. to another special friend, you are not the cause of all the breaking and quarrrels whatsoever, just dont forget we will always be there for you! to another friend, i cant say anything but a sorry...it really broke my heart when i saw my real close friends crying because of all the problems and i cant help breaking down also...2008 WILL be a better year! it will be! and onefivers love each other... class montage was great and touching and amusing! :)went j8 with amanda, audrey, shannon and jianing after that! bought shannon sis present, bubble tea and we left...i was thinking that if there were no such problems thoughout the year, the class wont be so bonded and still remain as different cliques. and i wont be as close to people such as amanda and audrey. and i think all this are just FATED. yeah thats about it...ONEFIVERS shall jiayous for choral and drama night!
{ 10:11 PM }
number 1 :

HAHA! this whole thing is the funniest so no need state! shannon is being sickxD audrey position is weird...
number 2 :

another nice pic!
number 3 :

HAHAHAHA! this one is humorous man! is like caught when we were not paying attention cause testing out the camera timeout! then when we saw the flashlight, we all " WOI!"
left side: look dao and stone
jessie tan: look absolutely blurr...
amanda: look like she is flying..weeeee
chuan ling: look innocent...
shannon: laugh until so funny lar! HAHAHA
number 4 :

HOHOHO! i think this pic is the best among all! everybody paying attention looking at the cam smiling! lalalalalala
number 5:

this is one of the nicest ones! hahas! and mr tiong just looks blurr down there which is super amusing!
bimbo julie: dont know what she is doing but it makes me laugh! HAHAHAHAHA
joyce: HAHAHAHA like eating hamburger like that! and then make one tweese then very funy!
sara: look especially CUTE! hahas!

wahahahaha! so nice and cute! is a stress ball! i just find it so CUTE! hahas! shall go on a hunt for it! :)
{ 7:08 AM }

amanda see your feet there? where got dont have you! hahas shannon was wearing her shoe when we took this photo cause her shoe whole thing wet...

MR TIONG! hahas! he rawk man! and his actions are funny and cute! hoho he was nice to buy a 2kg CHOCOLATE CAKE from AWFULLY CHOCOLATE! so ex la! and it so super duper nice!

this is 1/3! dont know why evie took this pic! anw we took two forks from them! coz we dint have any cutlery to eat our bee hoon...

settling down....i see aki! aki is actually nice! yeah nicer than SOME people...

this is ms khoo's dog!!!!!!!!!!! so cute right? awwwwww but it tried to bite me...o.o

this pic is not whether got me inside is like got one girl huh so camera shy huh? dont know who is that ar? use two hand cover face...xP
{ 3:25 AM }
hello! YAYS! 105(b) you all rawk man! we did it! we did it! we passed the audition! it was a success and the teachers even clapped for us with a smile on their face! it was so nice and indescibeable! and my sian-ness before which lasted for the whole entire day vanished! felt high after that. lalala there was the music and like so touching at the last part! almost cried leh! shannon also! haha but we like hug tgt so tightly until lights off and that day the lights were on for so long...o.O and a bit bian tai and les...hahas! i sacrificed my legs to wear the stupid high heels! argg at first i was like woo wah~ then the heels stuck in the carpet i walk away... in the end quite ok and i felt tall! hoho! and halfway i saw one grp one ppl coming in! then see closely i saw jaime who was like grinning at me! i almost burst out laughing lar! lucky that part was the happy part not the sad sad part..so the teacher said we were overall good and i needa improve on my gan qing...look sad look shocked! =O *_* i shall try my best! and performing on stage was actually quite shuang! hoho! saw joey and she looked so shuai! hahas! hah dont know why that certain so sian...i guess i was tired and sian of all the rehearsing..sry for those who like tot i was angry or sth and thx for wei zhe wo in the library according to amanda. first time i feel sian the whole day...was like stoning stoning stoning. had movie screening and it was SOSOSOSOSO nice man! the show was "edward scissorshands". okay so mainly it was a guy with scissors hands and like he had a kind heart and everything. wah so super nice! and that crazy lixuxu was sleeping...o.O until i wake her up lar! and then hor go up met jianing. had this super funny convo:
jianing: hello! nice anot your show?
audrey: nice~ very touching
me: (from behind) you sleeping leh! how you know touching anot? (smack lixuxu back)
hahas! and then went to amanda's hse to make sandwichs! i was super amused by the number of maids she had! cause nv see before mar! cannot blame me! okay me and shannon discovered amanda had a one-eye blind rabbit and fed it with bread crumbs which it obviously dont really like...then KAI GONG! oh yeah we took taxi zoom here zoom there and the taxi driver was very fun to talk to! mwahaha! so me and shannon made the nutella and peanut butter mixed tgt one... was quite gross cause both colours look like different types of da bian...so amanda and shan ping were like eeeeeeee...they did the ham and cheese one and we made a special sandwich for sumei whose cheese was "beautifully' decorated by shannon yeo! hahas! and there is this super small bread cut by us! super funny lar! and one of the bread had a 20-cent hole in it....o.O found out that it was shannon yeo again! hahs! and i accidentally(actually many times) put the half-spread sandwhich on the newspaper all along thinking that it was clean cause i always put my pao on the newspapers...and then discovered that newspapers were actually recycled used toilet paper! *GASPS* ok hope 105 wont have diarrhoea-sry dont know how to spell..psps! then took another cab home cause amanda's house quite ulu! in the middle of dont know where. and the taxi driver was so amusing! hahas! we were talking over campus superstar and who he knew and fetched before! and like so interesting! nicest taxi ride ever! yeah so thats about it! bb!
{ 5:53 AM }

me and audrey! girl (which made me scream like hell) is audrey and boy is me...we went to 205 with those masks and i wasnt wearing specs so was following audrey blindly! hahas! koped this pics from other people's blogs cause i was busy posing as we were photograph by the paparrazi! xD
{ 7:18 AM }
hello! slack in class for a few hours before going down to buy lunch.. then saw 205 VS 209 volleyball match. the whole 205 was probably there! hah but somehow 209 look more zai...suying was playing! hohoho! and crazy sumei see for so long cause she want see the empire only...-.- changed into the gown for rehearsal and so sian....we were hungry after that so i wore my hongzi over and went down to buy things to eat with them and realised i look like a peranakan woman upon reaching first floor!OMG! i covered my face then yunxin say"i can see you!" o.O
then went to learn the dance for c n d! WAH! how come i in second row hur? i tot i in last row...-.- i will try not to look stiff and pekchek! i not very good at dancing one lor! then i want change cannot change coz main character...how am i gonna dance in high heels and in a gown?!?! tmr is AUDITION and im gonna die...die...die...xingying is child abuse teacher and a sexy one xD hahas!
trng was WINDY! my hair fly here fly there even better than superman! -.- then so sunny! medicine ball again then after that ms chang go squeese my arm and say "feel more muscular?"
LOL! so fast one meh? and then latr i fell down twice on each of my butts! so now both butts are aching...BLEH! first one is i tripped over ziwei's leg then i flew! i really flew! life-time experience! and i flew from inside the D to outside the D! and landed on my poor butt...i was almost molested by ** ***** and lucky i protected myself by putting my hand on my butt...she looked like she was gonna massage my butt! then my knee started to hurt as well! D: i think the second fall also flying but is like fly and change direction and PIAK! my poor butt again...both butts aching when i run and jump D: but today got 5 people fall down, 2 people injured and one not feeling well. so people who feel no extra choco! *cry* should be those who fell got choco!
went coro with junqi and chunhui to buy blood! dun tink wrongly! it is a type of keychain and in the end we bought the vitamin C one! cause it was nice! im officially broke cause i bought for shannon and jianing also and jianing bought 3!!! wahwahwah! YAYS! then latr in the bus gladys friend answered the call and said "YO! Mummy!" wah in a like cold cold voice like that! then it was super funny cause like no one greet the mother like that one! hahahs
{ 5:53 AM }
hello! haish dint get to play court cause of the stupid rain last night...
wahahahahaha! realised that there was a fruit hunt! wahwahwah! aiyo sec2s so ke lian eh! the family day cancelled cause of the weather...bleh but ecp go there also no fun one! cant ride bicycle cant roller-blade...nvm i in charge of bringing BANANAS! hohoho! and yeah so me and shannon went to the toilet and we saw one orange and apple already...o.O wanted to take but then saw a teacher see us! there were 1000 fruits! hahas! 101 got 1st and 102 2nd! woohoo claps! i think 101 is super enthu in this type of inter class comp so they always win one! hahas! but not fair one they so near the exit then can spot some fruits already! hah everybody were chionging lor! maybe not all...so yeah 104 found the one and only durian! we were super close to finding it...hah nvm at least we found a watermelon and honeydew! and many many oranges plums and apples! enough to feed the whole class already! ok then we the 105-ers dont know whether to say smart or stupid saw one greeny thingo in small square hole at the top of the ceiling at the canteen there and below it were two tables stacked tgt! so we tot the teachers were kind to put them there for us to climb and ask lihan who was about 1.7m tall still need use broomstick make the thingo down! and the hole had only one exit so a bit difficult and TADA IT WAS A TENNIS BALL!!! omg so funny lar! wonder how it got there in the first place! hahas and we were happy family and happy twin was playing concentration drng the boring briefing...hahas! and disastrous things happened...so scary the juice all here and there one! *gasps* hahas not really so exageratting la!
then like went up to class! hahas oh yeah in the morning when i entered the classroom i was freaked out by shan ping's the girl mask! OMG SO FREAKAYE!!!! so scary dont even look like a innocent girl lor! so me and audrey decided to wear the boy and girl go to 205! hahas i cant see anything so i was blindly following audrey and dint know who pass by me at all! hah nvm i wont be regconise cause my name tag the "yi" and "jolene" covered by the fruits the stickers so my name is now "ong xian" ok sounds weird...then audi the talk was WAHHH! boring like dunno what ah! i know it is mean to those sec3s presenting but i just slept through. the first presentation was about transfat one then the second one was a video on a man who ate macdonalds for every meal for a month! so disgusting and dunno waht! but then i still slept then i played with vanessa's cube. bleh so pekchek only can do one side then the saiying so pro la! dun wan say liao latr make me feel more zibei D:
then...ahem we change into our gown for the audition latr...so yeah as expected, many people were like "WOAH! HAHAHAHA!" when they saw me. nvm i dont feel hurt! hahas! cause i think i looked weird leh! and it was uncomfortable...lol! audition was quite scary and fun and COLD! brrrrr! and teacher say my gown too short fall down not long enough and ziwei said she took a pic of me...-.-BLEH! HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME!!! nvm i think it was quite dark so cant capture properly :D heh then teacher like jing gao us or sth...so yeah. then people wanted to go dont know what place to buy props and clothes then we dont know how to go home from there so we byebye liao. wanted to go coro to buy the blood tube keychain and BECAUSE WE TOOK A LAO POK BUS 66, the alarm was spoiled when we last minute want to press...=.=super unlucky! i hate lao pok buses! and then the next stop was super duper far! bet it was about 1km+! so our hope to buying the keychain vanished into thin air....woah amazed at my english! :D so we-amanda, jianing, junqi and me took 156 to J8 then we bought some food and we went home...yeah so my new name was "ong xing xian orange" cause there is a sunkist sticker at the end. or cl version---"wang xing xian cheng" both sound weird! xD
{ 5:20 AM }
checked overall results yesterday. was quite ok. was quite surprised that my english got B3 cause i always got very low for sias and common tests. i think it was storytelling! :D hahs. and then went to farjar sec. wah the bus was so lao pok! so hot! the school looked quite big! and it was like on a slope leh! so cool! and it was ever-green there! almost everything was green. i was in the K3 and some people say we were those who stayed back in kindergarden...so played ice-breaker or sth like got blow wind blow and whacko! wah the blow wind blow was like so rough! HAHAS! and chenxi was saboed for whacko! we are mean people..hehhehheh then K3 dint get to learn how to make ketupat like K1 and K2 maybe we were too stupid xD we learnt how to wear the sarong and all of us tried. and it was very hot! and lixuxu was laughing at me...chuan ling helped me with it then she was laughing also! ahhhh! so in the rosanne was our model!
proceeded to the hall for further make-ups with props and rosanne became a star-model! hah everywhere also got star one! and OMG went to see the crazy julie poopoo! and it was damn funny la! so bimbo! like she was posing with the male model of her grp then like she was flicking here and there and a lot of people were laughing like mad and taking photos! and got one pose is the male kneel down propose to her then she throw the flower and send flying kiss! omg so super funny can! laugh until can cry! then some food and drinks were provided! wah yum yum!
then it started to rain...then like me shannon audrey jianing evie were standing in front waiting for the bus. then suddenly we were tokig about lao pok buses then ms goh laughed at us! hah ran to the bus and we were like so super noisy in the bus la! we were playing dare or double dare! then like " OH YAR PAY YAR SOM BAH LEH YAR ROTI PRATA CAO BANANA!" then we were super loud! hahas then we did she bang she bang until a certain classmate turn arnd to look at us. super funny and spastic lar! hahas!
rehearsal was at first quite ok. were at the wushu there. then felt very frustrated at the moment i entered. felt furry and stuffy. D: then for a while everybody started getting pissed and were screaming. haish so sian. then we returned to class to learn the hip-hop dance which was so fast! omg! so difficult how to learn in such a short time? and im going to wear a gown how to dance?? the song is lian-ai-ing by mayday then it is really fast! like a bit cant catch up. talentime for camp one was much easier. then rehearsed to teacher and like i need to cry and fall on the ground. and many many emotions. suddenly thinnk taitai very difficult role. cause needa make the feelings correctly if not is like very fake. then bian tai shannon ah! anyhow go______! hrmph sia si ren ah! lucky in the end we hug each other only. then at the end very funny we were talking about some sick stuff...suddenly dont know what talk about saturday tgt go buy b__! so fnny lar! omg lar!
{ 8:30 PM }
105 you all rawk!105(A) plate GOT 1st!!!!!! omg so happy! they consists of um evie amanda jianing audrey (happy family) chenxi saiying joling! and joling is super tall and pro at catching those flying balls! we all were like "WAH!" and netballers and basketballers umpired. and i can conclude that i am so far the worst umpire...cause i dont dare blow at first then i was saying"waitwaitwait,stepping." and then i discovered i had a whistle...-.- i looked very lost according to amanda and jianing. hahas! is like so stressful! cause sometimes all the people rush to the ball then the me standing at the side cant see anything then suddenly the ball fly out then i dont know whose ball...and like all the angles cant see who last touch the ball then latr run with them ah the ball always hit until me so best is stand at the side! umpiring not that fun. actually i also dunno leh. cause when i went to see chuanling they all umpire the cup, it seems more fun. cause they dont step a lot. haiyos i umpire until i felt super sian and tired. but then i used the microphone to cheer 105! hoho! and like the 109 people were like WOAH WO DE TIAN AH! so freaking tall man! all one head above us! then they flip the ball high and super duper high the captain just jump a little bit then can catch liao...and ahem 107 sosososo bad! they go say they hate 105fivers...-.- eh so bad relationship...i dint get to umpire 105D: hah nvm cause i know i will be super buyers. and ms chue say like must be more lenient unless like very obvious or sth. then like sometimes dont know whether to blow anot.
our cup lost and almost all hurt their knees and ankles and lips!! omg how come so rough one! so scary and this resulted in the missing of people in our rehearsal today! hrmph the cup look super pro and zai and rough and scary...and like pio pio pio score liao! and 101 won! hahas jingwen must be very proud of her class. and almost our whole class were cheering for 105 (A) plate! they were like so super duper COOL! perfect 100%! all the interceptions and everything to the 109 who were all one big super gigantic head taller than them! we were screaming like anything! you all rawk man! really! and first time see lixuxu face so red! omg they are my idols! <3 hahas! and in the end ziwei ended up giving the prizes! hahas! and 109 said 105 is rough and vice versa! some more got some gross stuff happened...anyhow HIT! LOL! so bian tai! and then celeste was lost! eh so funny lar! like one school like that how come suddenly lost?!?! lucky she came back to class..cause we were looking and calling her. HAH!
then went up for briefing of family outing...no fun one! cant rent bicycle and roller blade or go into the sea...then whats the point? only can play ball and like other stuffs we bringing. so im bringing bananas! easiest and fastest one! cannot finish can bring to trng and give teammates eat! xD vanessa will be super happy to see her fav thing in my hands! HOHO! and we started talking about bringing balls and everything then suddenly mr tiong say "bring my balls?!?!" or sth like that then we all laugh like siao man! is like i dont know leh! so fast xiang wai already. ok nvm hahas! and he was still so blurr...
still felt super sian and then it was rehearsal but then we were not serious so like ended fast. and many people had ccas. warm-up was TIRING! two rounds arnd school with medicine balls and one normal round. wah like so long nv run already then stamina so lao yar now. then my calves and thighs still aching from tue pts...D: so muscles kept pulling and stretching. and then comes the FUNNY PART! HAHAHA! we were learning lobs! then this phrase was heard very frequently:
omg so funny lar! then like suddenly "where is your armpit? i want to see your armpits!" hah! but i learnt how to catch a lob properly:D then it was raining and there was lightning o.O and we still continued trng...haish then the wind blow and blow i brrrrrrrrr. so super cold! whole body shivering! played half courts after that. poor shannon and junqi waiting for me...sry ah! haish super tired then i was dragging myself home with my suan legs.
poor amanda got blisters on her foot then too pain cant go to school! awwwww then we cant do our AHHHHHHH! and she went to put her feet in hot salt water! OMG can imagine the pain man! somemore is hot! but can kill the germs...haiyoyoyos you must be screaming cause if it is me i will be crying...HAHAS! and then now become salted human feet! lols! haish today rehearsal you dint see the part shannon and i added in! hahas! nvm audition then see! you jia bin no2! hahas those blisters rawk man! i mean they were the exchange of the results you all wanted! then is like sacrificing and very zhi de! hahas but you describe until like so scary like that leh! my blisters not pain one only got water than under the skin still can push the water here and there one leh! then i dont bear to burst it...hahas! you must wear GOWN ok? hahas! im most probably wearing and i gonna look super weird and funny. D: HAPPY FAMILY AND HAPPY TWIN MISSES YOU!
{ 6:52 AM }
OMG! mwhahahahas! xiao qiang DIED! after i ran to the toilet to get the baygon to my mother to spray it to kill it! YESH! and i fell down in the process...=.=cause i was very frantic and was actually running away from it. cause it can FLY! so not fair! how come it so disgusting and small it can fly? homosapiens so big cant fly...lols no sense ok neh mind! hahahas! it died after spinning so many rounds! OMG! i so super happy! even happier than anything that can happen in this world! is like WAH the cockroach died! but dunno got lay eggs anot...OH NO! then my clothes...it anyhow crawl...now how...my clothes are polluted with xiao qiang's motions and hairy legs...nvm! most importantly! it DIED! YAYS! hahas :)
{ 3:05 AM }
Had 2 very amusing and exciting days! mwhaha dont feel like elaborating...
{ 2:27 AM }
{ 2:18 AM }
heh! got back science and maths. quite satisfied with science and maths okok, dunno. cause super lot careless mistakes. after maths paper, the class was in a emo mood...so sad... haish this is always the worst part-the results. haiyos so scary then the teacher still like suan-ing us or sth, add oil to fire...shannon ah! you scare me ok! xia si ren la! D: hah bleh yesterday so emo...lols dunno waht happened. when i went back to class after the maths paper like the atmosphere was sadness and disappointment. then so like ju shang. got people cant take it and cried...wah heartbroken. the teachers wanted to KILL us! hah nvm i can just pray for LA and humanities.
xiao yang! you finish dl le mar? haiyoyos i cant pass licence for o2jamD: must pei wo! wah i played com games for the whole entire day then now my fingers feel numb and fly-ly and can type faster! hoho! so shuang ! but then i hv to pack all my things i threw on the floor for eoys...bleh so much things how to finish by monday!xD
i will never forget what i saw...it will never be the same again...
{ 3:21 AM }
hello! hoho tuesday went JK building with junqi to buy eupho pin then in the end too ex nv buy. lols like we sit the bus so scared we lost and the eerie staircase we had to climb then in the end never buy anything... then we went amk hub for lunch then look for present but look for super long from store to store in the end nothing was bought. haiyos i walk until leg pain liaox. xD
wednesday! hah went with junqi and jianing to causeway to watch underdog. haiyos shannon i promise to go out more often with you after you fully recover! we ate lunch then went to continue on the search for junqi's present. hoho we smuggled quite a lot of stuff then the bag bulky bulky one. the whole cinema i think less than 15 people then look quite empty and then scary...cause dark dark one...D: nice jianing and junqi let me sit in the middle cause i scared. hahas jianing like some parts suddenly "AHAHAHAHA!" then like a bit funny one become super funny then i also laugh out loud! then like junqi dunno what we laughing about just sit there. hah we munching and munching the potato chips. ho then junqi got her rabbit thing from the jack and jill packet then i got a blue hippo! hahas hippo is nicer! :) who ask you go secretly change? ha the show was overally quite nice. the last part got one part a bit sad...when the underdog like dunno whether it got die anot. then like sad sad one cause like he sacrifice himself lor. then we went to take neos hahas so funny la suddenly rub away one part of us then take the space then put the bear! hoho the bears so cute! nice nice junqi bought one i bought one! then jianing's pose very nice and chio one! hahas! jianing see i compliment you leh! make me laugh so much drng movie! UNDERDOG HAS FUR! lol!
i still want watch movies! the detective and resident evil and nanny diaries! cause nothing to do now leh! except rehearsals and checking of papers then next is inter-class thing. haish the school like think we very bored then plan our whole day fully-packed one then like no free time for ourselves to scream, play or sleep in class then like so many things! even more sian. bu4 hao3 wan2 de4! D: hah today morning court sec1s 1/3, sec2s 1/3,sec3s 1/3! hahs then a bit squeeshy but still fun. :) then morning assembly the dai lao shi say we can bring barbie dolls to donate! hoho so funny then like i all along never once touch a barbie doll only saw them in boxes at the toys corner when i was shopping with my family when i was young! hahas cause not fun one! it cant move! it cant talk! it cant entertain me! so, not fun! hah i think i once play before! and it was my cousin's one and i spoiled it...o.O cause i tot how come the hair luan4 qi1 ba1 zao1 one so i went to pluck every single of them. forcefully. but of course got some cant come out but it was like one patch one patch! hahas then i was in the room myself playing with all the toys while my cousin went to bath then i started to take off the barbie doll clothes! omg hahas so obscene! so what was left was it's peach naked body and patches head! hahas then my cousin cried cause it was a new one then i destroy until like that! hoho! then the HORROR! arggg chinese! my paper 2 like minus 30+ marks! and my ying yong wen almost failed! but my compo was the best among all my compos this year! wah i nv expect that! i got b3 D: pull down my cl marks. haish tmr is maths and science! omg maths! i will get heart attack tmr! must call 995! then pee-por pee-por! then the teacher sympathise me give me extra marks! then i wake up from coma! hoho! lunch went to see ms chew for the inter-class thing hah me,ziwei,grace and xuyue empiring plates i think then ziwei is manager!hahas. but then peizhen and joey going to pickle ball! ho then cl trng was so funny! we finally got back our scripts! ha the story quite interesting one! then i tried with the tai4 tai4 role. ha hope shannon be my lao gong then would be very fun! cause we going to divorce then like 20th anniversary then what no dan4! hahas! shannon right eye can change colour one! hah! but her left one still quite red! but i think is the vessels lar cause the below not red. hah go bleach then become white! or use mamalemon. and junqi now is xiang yun and fann wong fanatic now! go find all the shows that has them! so crazy then today say she suddenly want to be actress! hah then i vote for you for the zui shou huan ying one lor! and cannot use wahlao mus use WAHPIANG! is nicer lor and piangpiang is nicer than laolao so use piang! piang is gun sound! so cool right?
{ 2:15 AM }
yays! end of eoys! yayyay! hah changing skin soon
{ 6:24 AM }
hahas yayyayyay so happy cause left LA ppr 2 and maths only and dont have memorising work! hahas geog, science and history ALL over! so super duper relaxed and happy and high now! dunno why leh ha and during this exam period, everyday also very farnie! hohos and i seem to be going out more during eoys! hah go library study with xiao yang, shannon and junqi! yays we have efficiency! AHEMS! xD hah cause i cant concentrate with you all there then i like become xiaozhabor like that like keep smiling to you all! hahas hope you all dun mind...
chinese...*cry* so difficult! almost died and got one qn is the dunno what xiu chi fang fa! then i all along dunno! ahhhh dint know it will come out! stupid me! nv go study! so scary! the compo and paper 2 i write until my hand pain...then i shaking and shaking to relief the pain! ahhh and i sit right in front! so scary! the teacher go put the chair in front of my table! got stress ah! and like weird weird one cannot take pencil box then lixuxu go like take almost her whole pencil box come out! then i WOAH! hahas dun really feel like exam mood this few days like normal normal day just that separate tables only. hah maybe like that will feel more relax but i tink hor EOY less scary than PSLE lor! PSLE is like erm in the hall so big then so so so quiet! and i remember last time i everyday exactly nine o'clock got stomachache must go and laosai xD then english that day i tink, i got stomachache then i go toilet when the exam starting then the whole cohord waited for me to finish my big buisness! omg so paiseh and scary lar! and last day we all YAY! mwhahaha so happy! after PSLE was so super duper fun! everyday play non-stop with frends! hah getting a bit out of point for monday...oh yeah and we went to the library to mug then like move here move there one! but then i cant concentrate in memorising the facts for geog! AHHHH geog i hate you! history i hate you! bio and physics i hate you! hah before exam i must force myself to love these subjects so i will not dread studying them...now over liao! yays so happy! like indescribeable feeling! hahas! and then in the end we left early cause discovered no effect then must as why go home mug better. studied till 11 30! it may seem not late to many many people but then hor to me like quite late liao coz i normally sleep at 10 if not i cant wake up one! and sometimes too tired study halfway dozed off liao! hoho and i find map study quite interesting! easier to go into brain! hahas! then lunch the KFC meal i shared with shannon the combo was like woahhhh so filling ah! eat until ah i tink all my muscles become fats! oh yar i haven been running much since dunno when then i tink now my stamina like ahhhhh already..
geog paper was quite ok then the last part the global warming got comic of polar bear! hahas remind me of xiao yang then i laugh to myself! hoho then exam halfway i smiling at xiao yang and audrey! hahas then they say i keep smiling to them! i think i now got smiling disease liao! keep wu yuan wu gu smile at people! ahhhhh I MUST STOP SMILING!!!!! heh blurr sotong junqi never read instructions then go do everything! wah *claps* so pro! haish you ah shld read properly mar! the water resource and global warming one easier! cause like almost all memorising work then i memorise until like crazy then must spam the teacher! hehes but i really scared i write until irrelevant lor! hah then ah i memorise so much then only come out like so little...make me so disappointed and feel so stupid...dunno why i will forget almost everything when i sleep then like mus quickly recap everything one! scare me!
went home with jianing to take materials then she like ask me choose her hse! o.O then make me so confused and then dun let me see yr room! hah but your sister's scooter vry nice to ride eh! hahas lucky nv break when i landed on it! xD hah then went my downstairs the game room to study. quiet and cool place! nice for studying! but then... we all ruined everything! we were like saying study 30mins play 5mins but then very easily distracted. wah junqi so guai ah sit down there copy notes for science while me, jianing and shannon were like so chao down there! like monkeys like tt hahas! we landed up lying on the table then latr bored dun feel like studying play blind mice! hahas so super farnie la then junqi still copying notes but she cant hear us coz listening to music. hah we crawl under the table, jump on the table, crawl behind the catcher then got one time jianing is the blind mice ah then so farnie! hahas and i crawl on the carpet until my knee the skin po4 pi2! so pain... then like we started taking wu liao and spastic videos! hohos like so bian tai and farnie and lame until so funny! hahas and then we were like super distracted from studying and junqi was being influenced. hahs and then we throw the paper up in the air and sing song then vry funny la! haha and the effect is quite nice from the video! and then we realised it was 3hrs gone! hah i tink we cant study by ourselves one! need like library then make too much noise ppl will shhh you one!
la paper! ahh my unseen prose! haish dont want to talk about it...i crap the whole thing up and then i went to smile at people again! omg what is happening to me? and i stone at the clock so as to stop smiling. dint follow them to library coz scared latr cant finish science but then i noe jianing angry then these few days abit dao us....sad...JIANING DUN BE ANGRY I CAN GIVE YOU FREE HUGS! or i ask aki entertain you! hahas xD and your post so scary...xiaoyang meh meh! hahs so cute!!
science! ha dint study much about drugs so i got all the MCQ qns on drugs wrong...=.= haish was quite ok then like a bit on the easy side but still got a bit of difficulty. i dont dare say too much latr come out not up to my expectations i will be very sad. then went to library to study again! hahas interesting things always seem to happen in quiet places! ho went to buy water baby and the cuby thing then went to study! the water baby is nice! hahas so many! then at first i was like so camera-shy coz junqi,jianing and shannon taking pics and videos of me! in the bus also! then make me feel so paiseh! hrmph bully me ah! and then latr we became vry noisy at the end then a lot of people looking at us! then we making disappear magic then got error coz shannon head pop out! hahas so farnie la! was quite good! learnt a lot of things! hahs but studied till 11 30 again...haish lucky got chicken essence in the morning if not i will look like vampire with dark circles! ahhh dun wan imagine!
wah now 11 30 liao! hahas i must have determination! my mind feels blank cant remember what i studied this whole week suddenly! like crammed my poor brain with so much things! then so tiring!
hahas i tink xiaoyang, junqi and shannon noe about it only! hahas.
hah history! paper was quite ok but i still scared i out of point...i do until left last two minutes so scary no time check then still mus tie the strings! then the source based all ashoka one! like 22 marks about ashoka! almost fainted when i saw them cause i scared not enough info to elaborate on. then arh junqi so scary morning smack me so hard one! you arh you always bully me one! go kope my phone and smack me so so so hard! hah normally i will smack you back but then tt time dun feel like smacking. looks are deceiving! hoho! then i went to smile at lixuxu again! haha maybe she is attractive or sth? cause i look at her or shannon i will feel like relaxed and like happier coz they two very spastic one then always make me laugh like crazy! hahas then hor shannon blocked by so many people lor! exam time all sit straight straight one then shannon hidden behind so look at audrey! hahas and heard from chunhui that their geog is hard... haish jiayous! then hor we go on movie marathon! hahas not really lar coz watched two movies only! one is like comedy like that then me and shannon watched while junqi watch her xiao hai bu ben in my room. hah then latr is the dui bu qi lao shi! omg so sad and like touching! i cry at so many times! and i was smiling while crying! like i think people like yuting already cried like siao liao! hahas and then like whole heart melting liao! and like the teacher like sacrifice herself to save her students then like the car bang right into her tummy then like a bit funny then i go laugh while it is very sad! ah spoil the mood! hahas then the teacher so wei da! then very touching but in the end she die! even worse! they sing the sad sad song then make it so sad and like feel like bursting! ahhh so nice but sad! hahas and then latr went down to play basketball with shannon! hahs play match with other people then very fun and funny! hohos and then eat dinner and watched la bi xiao xin with shannon then fetched her home! hahas shannon hope yr family members recover soon! (:
wo shi dong gan chao ren—la bi xiao xin <33
{ 7:43 PM }