hello! reached ny with junqi nt allowing me to hug the mushroom cushion:( and i realised tt i nv bring anything for class party! yays class party was fun hahas bt i was busy copying maths hm from evie! haha EVIE I LOVE U!:) cuz she let me copy completely! haish cant find my qn paper so no choice...and all the sec3s were scolded for abt 20 mins! poor them...=( i only heard 30% of their sia then nth liao. i tink gt sth gt to do with our fps time trial yesterdae! and amanda's spaghetti noodle is super nice! omg nicest i ever tasted even though it was cold! can imagine if it was hot! :) and miniclip game was on. like always. i dun understand wat so nice abt it. >< face="lucida grande"> then went home. hahas saw yuting, sharon, gladys, chermain and chyi fang at the playground playing blind mice! hahas so ming2 xian3 la! they all take off skirts then all the sexy legs all lu4 chu lai! xD so play a while then went home le!:) and they were vry noisy la can hear from my hse!! o2jam-ed with junqi! hahas yays i completed the mission! now want to play audition! so long nv play le... jiayous nynb sec 1s for tmr carnival! yays the bananas! hoho gt a lot of nutrition de!
{ 4:45 AM }
hello! hahas todae morning need go home econs room to see the teacher abt the clogged up sink and the teacher was like RESPONSIBILITY!!! and maths lessons we were drawing lots to change seats then i sat beside shannon! and mr tiong was like OMG! hahas cuz we talk a lot de:) and it is rally fate lor last term is actually sit tgt one bt mr tiong separated us! then he came up with a new one! and i am gonna sit in the front row! omg is like mus rally listen in class de lar if nt teacher can easily spot! sit right at the back can tou tou do things one...=( i am sitting with joyce and amanda bt they dont tok much drng lessons de then it is gonna be boring... cuz i always either stoning or toking in class and now only can stone.=( Mrs Lee was going to learning lab to teach and abandoning us!*sobs* is like EOY is here and she leaving just be4 it and i wonder how our relief teacher is like. then she gave us lollipop! hahas and we gt back schedule for EOY! is in october and we have spaspaspa in wk 1! omg scary wat it is like? i scared i will screw up... tmr we gonna have progress report! i guess teacher will write nv pay attention in class like wat they say for parents' meeting...ict lesson i was doing the animation of netball! hahas still cant finish after so many wks cuz i no hav photoshop at home=( carried a super big bag to school cuz gt hehheh inside super bulky:) and tmr shannon and junqi bringing the cushion to school! yays i shall hug it drng teachers' day celebration! and tmr we gonna wear class tee! ok actually i nt rally excited abt wearing it la cuz it is super hot one although it is dry-feet and it is a bit ahem translucent and somemore we going back primary school! hahas chongfu school song:wo men huan hu,wo men ge chang,ge chang wo men de chong fu~(repeat)chongfu chongfu ni shi wo men de yao lan,ni shi wo men de bao mu~ chongfu chongfu ni gei wo men de bao hu,ni gei wo men de (dunno)nu li du shu da ding jian gu de ji chu,xue xi jing bu zuo xiang mei li de qian tu!wo men huan hu,wo men ge chang,ge chang wo men de chongfu(repeat)hahas school song! haish i prefer chongfu life bt i still prefer ny's snrs and cca! hoho cuz it is more fun:) bt in chongfu we all like no problems with each other and dont have things like backstab all these things bt come to ny everything is diff cuz it is a girls school or somehow and everything become super realistic and i dont understand myself sometimes suspecting ppl...i miss my primary school frends. haish some ppl nt going back chongfu! how can they? is their mu xiao leh! and i just wanna see ms yow nt mrs ong cuz i remembered last time P5 camp i had a fever of 40 degree! and the trainer dun allow me go home and i was like going to faint alrady can? and nice ms yow who was passing by saw me and brought me to GO to call my parents to fetch me home! so nice i will nv 4get tt! is like yr hero like tt cuz when i went to see the doctor, she say if i had came latr, i maybe gt some kind of brain damage and may become and idiot! then gt injection lor haish if nt for ms yow i would be an idiot now... tts why i just wanna see my ms yow:) yays i tink the nynb jacket is somehow approved! muahaha if true i surely jump one hahas:) cuz it would be so super cool! bt i dont wan ms chang design xD now like a lot of cca is getting a jacket! hahas and then the new jacket is like nt vry nice and the teachers wan us to wear for assembly! hahas fps time trial was super fun! we were sucking the lollipop! haha i dunno why i suck so slow one suck for one hr haven finish yet!:) then like is abt water scarcity! hahas and we were like thinking and thinking and thinking and like ah ge ga finally managed to finish all the problems and i tink my brain juice almost used up le! haha and then shannon suggested a super sick solution! hoho bt it was super funny lar! it was ( if u are innocent-minded dun read it ) : store water in the armpit hair xD hoho and we finally finished le! haha then went down with junqi cuz she need take attendance then go home with her and i was carrying the paper bag with the mushroon inside scared tt someone will steal it! then ha i saw peishan snr! hoho so qiao!:) and then i wan to say sorry to junqi! srysrysrysry... haish u shall gt the octopus also i nt bankrupt!=) and shannon's b'dae coming soon le! wonder if she wants a big soft toy... hahas and i left my hp in shannon's car! omg actually i tot i lost it lucky with shannon and junqi holding it now!:)haish haven do finish my hm yet! omgomgomg and joey and jingwen's letter and suyi's letter! i mus chiong le! bb! and my dear shannon, dun be so upset these dayz! i noe how u feel bt dont bottle up yr feelings! u can tell me:)
{ 3:51 AM }

hahas! the VIP minitoons card so nice rite? black color one! took from junqi's blog! haha she g take photo of it!!!=)

yays the booklet! and i still owe junqi one eupho model! she shall get it after EOYs!:)
{ 6:15 AM }
hoho toade's home-econs was super fun! hehe some pics:) ty junqi for sending me!hahas
mushrooms and longans! nice to eat :)
shannon cutting mushrooms!
boiling in progress...
our desert!!!! it is yummy!:)
spaghetti! seems nice rite? hahas the black plate was the nicest plate we cld find! :)
hehe! take picture tgt! it was vry yummy! hahas cuz is we cook it ourselves de!:)
yays! i love home-ecos excpet for sewing lessons!! cooking is so fun! hahas and one of the sinks was clogged and gt flooding... yays i tink the spaghetti looks appetizing! hahas cuz gt junqi's cheese sprinkled on it! hahas and we bought the wrong type of pasta! bt nvm is still nice:)
haish todae super angry with one old chinese teacher gongy almost-bald man! hmph! crazy one lor! jus because me and shannon laughed too loud and too much in lesson hor then he punish us to finish the paper up with include 16 problems and solutions and expect us to pass up to him by 2pm!! so we had to sacrifice our dear lunch just to do the paper and i cant go skipping! *angry* and is like why cant we laugh? and laughing too loud is cannot blame us de mar! how can like tt de? somemore always fps is ms khoo is is toking and teaching everything and wat he does is like walk around doing nth! i bet he doesnt noe wat is going on so he must ask ms khoo check our punishment and say if we write crap we must stay back to finish till he is satisfied! omg la i dont like tt teacher! he nv listen ppl laugh be4 meh? mus punish! is like fps is a more relax lesson and why cant joke? sometimes the problems our grp members raised vry funny mar then expect us to just straight face then say "or! vry funny bt i dont wan laugh". grrhhhhh waste my whole lunch time la! i shall go and steal all his letters from the letterbox! *smirks* hahas bt i dont tink i dare la! haish i owe jingwen so much skipping le lor and tt teacher actually wanted to make us stay tgt with him in the room the whole lunch to do sth for him bt lucky he gt meeting lor! lols lucky no more fps lessons le if nt i see him i will puke one time! PUI!><
then latr went home with shannon, junqi and xiao yang! saw 852 then junqi and shannon chionged for it! then me and xiao yang decided to take the nxt bus bt then we suddenly realised we could still make it! so we chiong like crazy to the bus and hehe still gt seat!:) so we played the "yi zhi wu gui---guak---tiao xia shui---pong" game then play the tian cai chong chong chong and it was super funny! hahas and we saw pui fang and wei lin at yishun interchange! and wei lin say i look like satay...=( then bought bubble tea and shared with shannon and we went minitoons! hahas decided vry long on wat to buy and finally we bought the turtle cushion and mushroom cushion for ms yow and mrs ong! it's vry nice! hehheh and i bot some other things too and now i bankrupt le!=( and junqi took the memership card away from me...=( crycry
hahas! bb for now=)
{ 5:01 AM }
hello! hahas todae i wrote ms chang and ms khoo card drng maths lesson! hoho actually i finish ms khoo one then felt bored so decided to write ms chang's one! it goes like this:
Ms Chang:Thank you for coaching me and having patience in teaching us PE! Stay happy and young always!jolene,105omg the last sentence abt the young thing was totally wrong! i tot i was writing to some young teacher bt blanko it away will be quite ugly and i was quite tempted to change the "young" to "old" xD and ms chang is so old alrady... wah her letterbox is quite bulky also! todae our recess was 1hr! so long!=) i love it! cuz ms chang and ms chue after theory test nth to do with us so let us off early! and it started raining heavily like ah mao ah gou outside our classroom and i scared cant play court latr.=( and the rain still pen jing lai one and me and audrey were trying to prevent chen xi from entering the classroom! hah it was super funny la! :) and i slept drng LA lesson! wah is so super duper shuang! is super the weather cold cold one then i slept for 30 mins. =) haha shannon's book is nice! and she read my book until so fast 100+ pges le!
and trng was like super wet! xD it was raining and the ground was wet and the chang still let us train! is like if she wans us to train at least spend some time mopping the super wet floor! and she still ask us run on the slippery and scary ground...i slipped a lot of times and was like catch the ball halfway then woahhhh haish then i dun dare run too fast latr fall down the whole body will wet xD haish and then suddenly it started to rain heavily and we went in! even if she ask us continue i also dun wan cuz will surely gan mao one! haish how can she ask us train in the rain and somemore slippey ground and expect us do as good as usual? is like we will fall down easily la and it was super cold! =( then we listened to her tok for abt 30 mins i tink and she tok abt wat gt money no money then gt the gear in our head or arm then can communicate one...dun understand. and i still owe jingwen 450 left 450 right and um 300 doubles i tink.
and then went back with chunhui, amanda and junqi!=) hoho we cant squeese into the first bus so had to wait the nxt one and i discovered sth bian taii abt the last pg of the newsletter! omg la chunhui they all so sick! i didnt realise it until they told me xD is the top picture and the bottom right hand corner of the picture...some thing unwanted...xD and yays tmr we are cooking for home econs our own recipe! hahas and tmr me shannon and junqi going to northpoint to buy present :)
bb! i shall go and sleep=) gdnite and chongfu ppl pls go back chongfu! we mus visit our dear ms yow and mrs ong!
{ 6:02 AM }
hello! hahas todae went coro with xiao yang, junqi, and amanda! hehe so fun=D first junqi went to take picture of her sec 4 snr's drawing when she was in p2! omg is like so long ago and still there! hahas and then we went golden rooster to eat cuz we find the cafe too ex. XD hahas last time i went with junqi and xiao yang, i saw the nynb paper hidden behind so i went to put four magnets on each side and put rite on the top! =D yays and like we were calling the lady "mei2 nu3! mai3 dan1!" then she come after so many times lar! xD then we went ntuc to buy our home-econs ingredients. hoho shannon gonna sponser us...=p only me and junqi noes.*smirks*then on the bus junqi went super high! LOL ! she was singing "buybuybuybuybuy..." and even sms me=.= cuz she wan me buy recorder and blow with her! haish so in the end we went popular and i asked one salesperson and she was like "no stock le" then junqi was laughing! hoho we went minitoons!=D haish then i was walking with junqi then when turning to the escalator i happen to brush across her shou1 bi4 and OMG gt electric shock can!!! xD gt like zzzzzzzzzzzzz the feeling and it was pain lar then i use my palm go feel her hand and gt electric shock one! i was so freak out la! then latr she went to poke her finger into my skin and i felt the electric going into my skin again and she also say she feel sth numb flowing out of her finger! scary la i dun dare go near junqi le! xD and we buying teacher's day present on wed! hoho combine one!:) hahas saw shannon when i went down the stairs! she blurr blurr one! call her then she look arnd then continue walking! :) hehes i gt suyi's letter and poor junqi dun hav!=p i didnt noe we were supposed to go get the letter ourself on their whiteboard ledge... and i tink the piece of paper was left there long long ago...haish i mus write the happy teacher's day card for ms chang... haish dunno wat to write lor surely mus write sth gt to do with her being my coach and PE teacher and how am i supposed to say?*scratches head*bleh cant possibly say:Dear Ms Chang:thx for being such a terrific coach and PE teacher! u rawk!PUIPUIPUI>.<jolene,105opps, omg i tink my hand will rot first even be4 i can finish... and is like nth to write to her lor and i dun feel like =p maybe i can dont write! nobody will noe right except those who read this...so hor shhhhhhhhh=)bb! shall go and do my written task cuz junqi is threatening to delete this blog cuz she main owner of the whole acc...lols latr i cry then u noe ah!xD
{ 5:05 AM }
harlo! haish shall tok abt yesterdae school first! was quite nervous and excited abt the friendly with ct sec cuz it was going to be our first friendly. morning assembly mrs chua said tt the toilet near the conference room had da bian all over the place and she said it mus be impossible for any cat or dog to push open the door and she suspects tt it is one of us… omg imagine da bian all over the toilet xD and I went tt toilet once be4 and it was super uper clean! It can be one of the guests…probably laJ and then it was pccg and lun2 dao4 cleanliness already so me and kah man went up and a lot of problems were said as expected cuz it was super difficult to make sure everybody does their duty and don eat in class. haish sometimes I see ppl eating, I close one eye >_-
we were sampling some food and milk and orange juice and some other things in the home econs room and the choc cookie was vry nice! shannon and i kept eating tt certain cookie until we realized tt it was supposed for everyone… then went to try the milks! eek so disgusting and almost all taste the same one xD then it was orange juice! the first one was syrup from F n N then the others were the pure type bt of cuz the teachers diluted them and made it taste so nt nice! the nxt stop was the sweet,sour,bitter,sour station! there were 2 cups which seems clear and i tot the first one was sugar and i stupidly went to put one whole mouth and it was so super salty lar! pui! xD and shannon said the lemon one was nice and me again went to put one whole spoon! and it was like super sour! and I choke on it! I tink the juice went into my windpipe or sth and it was like BURNING! still prefer the cookie station the best! J
halfway through lessons, it started pouring I was scared we could nt play so I prayed hard the rain would stop bt I became heavier! then cl lessons we were suppose to write shuo1 ming2 wen2 on sth in the school so I wrote abt the netball court! chuan ling also J as expected, I couldn’t finish and we had to go to the library to finish watching the asoka movie. We chiong through the rain and ended up being drenched like crazy and it was super cold! Brrr… nice shannon lent me her jacket! Haha and the movie was super nice bt sad in the ending when the cute arya prince died…
then we changed and set off for ct sec and I discovered tt I forget to cut my nails! Lucky jiaen brought and a few of us were busy cutting in the bus and we were super noisy xD the school was quite old and the weather there super hot! And the lines were nt vry obvious and fading nt like our ny one green green one can differentiate somemore feng shui vry good the weather nt vry hot one sometimes can be windy and gt buildings block afternoon sun and it is environmental green! =) did warm ups and some passes and the match started…I played 2ndand 3rd quarter and the GA said hello to me then I tot they are nice bt then latr she smacked my head with both her hands!! And they vry aggressive and stamina super good! It didn’t turn out well enough and we were quite behind them… bt the whole team was trying and no use blaming who. i played WD for 5th quarter and ms chang somehow changed the combination and it went quite well for tt quarter. I tink the WA I guarding was quite bu4 shuang3 with me! cuz I started to be aggressive and push her here and there in the end I kneed some where and elbowed her and smack her hand! And she was like groaning in pain…I feel so guilty…bt then latr she kicked me somehow and there is this blueblack on my knee now! Hope she is ok! Haish we shall jiayous for the upcoming friendly with rv drng the holidays and forget abt the unhappiness abt the match. NYNB sec 1s jiayous! J and I tink we need to train more on our stamina maybe me myself la…
{ 12:43 AM }

yays! team pics after friendly!<33
{ 6:11 AM }
haha!feel so super happy today dunno why. bt i was quite depressed yesterdae night...dun wanna elaborate... hehe nice nice jianing went to add hearts for my link on her blog after i pestered her for so many days! hahas=D yays mine still gt smilie face de bt xiao yang edited my name!i reached school seeing shannon playing the extreme pana.. on the com again! hahas the suana one was quite funny yesterdae bt play too long le will a bit sian.XD haha then played upbeat.
hahas yesterday mr tiong was trying to tell us his mother's story and nt much ppl seemed interested!poor him almost cried when he said the story! and when we were too noisy,he threw sth on the floor to show his anger. bt he didnt seem angry bt super funny. haish we all shld nt be so mean...haha bt it was super funny=)
nxt wk is teacher's day and i dont noe whether i rally feel like going back anot. cuz i only wanted to see 6 gracious bt nt the teachers. bt the main point of teachers day is to see the teachers.haish bt i scared latr i will she bu de again and tink of 6 gra again. is like primary school days are more carefree then secondary school life. and more fun=)i remembered last time when mrs ong nagged at us for nearly 1hr, we all brought RPE(revised primary english)down bt inside was hidden a table tennis bat! hoho so amusing and last time almost the whole class was standing outside the class cuz we nv bring RPE! and we were like toking outside instead of listening to wat mrs ong was saying.hahas and ms yow last time walk out of the classroom herself cuz we too noisy le! and mrs ong tot we bully her or sth then intended to scold us! and our first ever 6 gracious chalet was so fun. we were like helping with the food-sticking sticks into chicken wings and prawns. i dont mind going all over again for PSLE with 6 gracious=)6 Gracious 0'6 is the best ever class i ever had!haish so saddening to be separated after so many years...hahas heard tt many chongfu-ians applied for DSA this year! yays gonna have cfps jnrs bt i dont rally noe them>< bad="(" hers=")haish" myself="D">
and the videos which we are supposed to see for our hm is super scary!eeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkk i dun wan watch le bt i mus watch if nt i cant do...the videos are abt ppl dying cuz they tink they are so fat. omg i see one video i fait alrady and we mus watch 8!!!gah junqi still say vry interesting lor=.=
{ 4:18 AM }
hello! hehheh decided to make the font fatter and bigger cuz a lot of ppl say cant see. (: haish nowadays nth to post de... today cl speech was super amusing! hahas me, xiao yang ,shannon, junqi and justina were in one group then we had to act out sth gt to do with old people being conned. hahas super funny=D and like halfway the special candy drop on the floor and break! hoho we were laughing on the floor alrady la then teacher say we laugh too much and da ping guo lao shi nt teaching us alrady =( then lessons nt so funny le...
managed to gan wan all the hm yesterday. wah suddenly realised there was so much hm can. and cl lessons were as boring as usual. lunch bot the honey tube and i cant even open it after biting and squeesing it... and i tried both ends and junqi was laughing at me!=p finally there a was hole out of nowhere and finally finished it=) hahas poor yunxin went to touch the tip of my honey tube then discover tt i bit it be4.
i was walking past the second lvl with junqi and there was this sec 2 class suddenly play one vry nice tune and i started dancing with my tube still in my mouth then i discovered there was a snr inside! omg she looking at me somemore!! ahhh so paiseh i quickly greet then baibai liao. quickly run away xD and i intend nt to walk past the 2nd lvl too many times...
haish assembly nowadays always the same old thing one. first will have some songs by the HMP students and they play until so soothing ah i always want to sleep. and then it was the maths presentation by some sec 2s! wah i didnt understand the whole thing. then the teacher say she alrady extracted the difficult ones alrady...and my eyelids were like pomp close then i open again then pomp close again. in the end i sleep a while bt suddenly heard ms sabrina toking nearby so quuickly jump up. haish and there was this pigeon-hole dunno wat and the explanation was: a pigeon in a hole o.O then like one hole gt one, two or three or four? haish then ms yap came to tok and tok and tok. even worst cuz ms yap tok the speed vry slow one then is vry boring de=( finally they ask the teachers to leave then the VP told us a froggie storie bt then i dont understand la bt it is sth gt to do with some morals thing.
then bought mac spicy and ice jelly home then sleep until 7 plus then eat dinner then watch css2 qian zhou then now down here posting...and now wan to sleep again. haish i feel like a pig everytime feel like sleeping. and OMG tt xuyue lost my precious hair tt i pluck for her!=( yay nxt week we will be starting our rehearsal for the end of year performance of the cl speech le! yay will be super fun!
{ 6:55 AM }
hello!=D i shall post abt yesterday. the closing ceremony was super nice! the dancing and everything and our class were sitting in the middle so have a better view. the bad thing is tt it was super squesshy and at first i was perspiring lucky i was raining heavily and started to cool down. and the whole thing dragged into LA lesson as expected and it was going to eat into our recess cuz we were going to have a compo writing. gt back to class and mrs lee announced tt she wants to postpone the test! muahahaha the whole class were like screaming,clapping,banging super happy cuz can prepare more. and we were supposed to make up a story consisting of a cat and a tree as the main character. and we were the first to present!me and shannon bt i laughed the whole thing and shannon said the story.
once there lived this cat who built a treehouse on a tree.oneday the treehouse caught fire cuz of the hot weather and the cat quickly woke up his family and frends.by the time everybody was there,the treehouse was already destroyed and the cats wanted to save the tree. so the cat tot of an idea and the male were on the ground peeing while the females were on top peeing.haha u shld noe the reason why cuz male one can shoot up while female can shoot down.(shannon's idea bt we didnt say it)=D and in the end happy ending the fire was put out.hahas bt the teacher seemed confused. then recess went down with junqi to eat prawn mee.nicenice then halfway eating junqi tell me "yr snr is behind u" then i dun believe so turn around to see peishan snr. hahas quickly greet then turn bac to eat.=D
and then it was history. we watched the asoka movie and it was super funny la cuz mrs kuan fast-forwarded the thing and she say the girl dance and dance then dunno wat i love u u love me and she describe until vry funny yay nxt wk we still watching.
lunch went down to borrow ropes with ghoulie and we skipped at the track. pro jaime can swing the rope around her twice with one jump. and then went back for chinese bt i didnt noe wat the teacher was toking abt la. now cl lesson so cheem one after wang lao shi came. i prefer xu lao shi cuz we can voice out our opinions nt scared being scolded. and i miss xu lao shi calling me to answer qns cuz i tok too much to shannon. so i went to write more muahaha on my notepad, intending to fill the whole page with it without any spacings. and junqi wrote mellmellmell.
then me and chuanling went to 102 and we saw this compo qns or sth i only saw one "disguise" then chuan ling dragged me away and ask ppl to rub off cuz we haven tested yet and then latr michelle accidentally say out bt i nv hear properly cuz she tok too fast alrady and when it ended ziwei and shihui shrieked. hahas and we went down to take the bus to toa payoh stadium.
and jingwen started singing her ah du liang bao advert again. haha super funny and rally sound like. hope she recover soon!=D and first there was this skipping performance and the kids were super pro with the rope.hahas and soon the match started and we went down to the railing to see. hahas in the end the score was 100:7 and singapore won! yay didnt expect the diff to be so great. yay singapore is pro de!=D and when the score was 99 everybody were like gogogogo wan singapore to score one more so it can be a perfect 100. hahas we were all sitting in a line and suddenly passed to me one box with a yellowish-brown thing inside and laugh and say "food from ms chang.pass down" then i heard some where "ms chang ask u to eat one." then i was like thinking why would ms chang eat until left a little bit then give us to eat. becuz it was quite weird. then i started laughing and then tap xu yue and told her wat gee ling told me and she was like vry shock. look at the food then started laughing also. and we started laughing like crazy and wondering why would ms chang give us food tt she had eaten halfway. i also dont noe why it was so super duper funny bt it rally was. and we tot maybe this was a prank or sth cuz nobody would give others food eaten halfway for no reason. and we were thinking whether to pass to the sec3 snrs anot. in the end me and gee ling went to a snr and told her "food from ms chang" bt gee ling was telling her the whole thing cuz i was laughing like a crazy woman there. and the sec1 netballers were all laughing like crazy in our direction. then snr was like look at the food one more time then say huh nvm la u all can have it. and the expression on her face was like a bit shocked like tt. and we went back with the box and passed it bac. in the end, ziwei and jingwen ate it. and dunno why we laugh again maybe cuz the atmosphere was supposed to be nevous as the competition was going on and suddenly appeared one ms chang's half-eaten food. in the end, we discovered tt actually the food was all in one piece at first just tt it was passed down from the sec 2 snrs so left a little bit. dont noe how the message was changed when it was passed down. bt to think of how we laughed and tot just now, it was super funny. and snrs must be thinking why we were all laughing away. hahas and suddenly xuyue was playing with her hair and she some how saw my hair and requested one bt i dun wan cuz i surely will pluck more than one. so she say i still owe her b'day present so i quickly plucked one for her and abt 3 came off! and she was super happy like tt and kept it in her pencil case. hahas so weird of all things she want my hair!:) then me,jingwen,gee ling, joy and xuyue walked to the mrt station which was quite far and we went to mac to da bao then continue. and then we walk into this POSB super big building and gee ling who was leading suddenly disappeared and we were like where is gee ling if nt we rally lost. finally reached the mrt and we boarded the one to jurong east one. and all of them were like take almost until the end one. and i was meeting my parents at AMK hub and we were making a lot of noise. and suddenly we tok abt eyebrows. hahas xuyue promised nt to tell other ppl abt wat i said. haha cuz all of them were laughing there when i told them.
hahas shall continue latr. i needa go eat dinner le!=D
{ 2:11 AM }
muahahaha i am ghost! joey is ghoul! ziwei is vampire! jaime is werewolf! yay today i wrote suyi's letter drng mr tiong lesson! hoho he so blurr until cannot see=D pass it to her drng lunch and saw yunxin! haha she is super funny larh suddenly scream then sing rou ma song. and my dear shannon is feeling sad todae...haish hope she will be happy tmr again. bt today she vry funny when take back geog paper she was so happy tt she move back n back and tricia's whole table and chair toppled! and the old PE t-shirt is back! yay longer and somemore cotten de=D and there's this new jackets n i prefer the one without collar bt they both look vry duan zheng.XD argg my toes are stuck... cramp there=( painpain and i dun dare move. tmr all of us will be wearing this red color shirt for the closing ceremony.
trng was vry fun todae and ms chang was nt here till the end.=D we did many many drills bt in the end still left a lot of time. then suddenly we noticed tt there were some sec 4 snrs sitting at the bench looking at us. haha a bit scary... ahhh my head was hit by jaime's ball directly bt lucky nt vry pain still woke me up! and she was scaring me with like a werewolf and ziwei drank her own blood cuz my ball hit her mouth. srysrysry! and she so bad she smack my pigu so many times. piak so da li one=( then gt one time i running running then i say "hereherehere!" then i tink i offside le then everybody started laughing on the floor! and poor joey have gastrics=( and i tried laughing wickedly muahahaha then joey,michelle and ziwei say vry scary... i shall try recording and hear it.=D then ms chang came and we play a little while then trng ended. waited for junqi while eating. then junqi told me abt the songs in the bus then she started singing peng you and my heart melted... this song made me cry last yr drng graduation and crying is super infectious la. i was singing with my classmates then suddenly i saw people crying and then tears started falling lor. and joey mus cheer up i shall smack xxx! oh no tmr there's this um LA compo writing bt my handy book is gone=( shall sleep now and hope i will receive letters tmr! yunxin haven give me!
{ 6:32 AM }
hello! today nt much to post lar except for the phototaking thing hahas=D morning went down to court with chuan ling, ghoul joey and jia en(octopus). haish only we four sec 1 there bt is quite nice la:) and we had to reach the quadrangle to see the parade and band was playing-i saw beishi!=p haha when they pomp their feet on the ground is like small earthquake like tt then giggle a bit bt saw the vice-principle staring at us so stopped. and there was this ex-nanyanger who gave a talk and it was quite funny la. hoho and photo-taking started. haha i was like quite in front de cuz i 157 only then so many ppl say i so tall then i stand with 158 de ppl with xiao yang also haha and beishi. and we were supposed to kneel on the track. so my knee went a bit mor pengXD and vry pain=( then like wait for a while for some VIPs and i was finding yunxin with beishi then discovered tt yunxin was wearing purple specs beside jiamin snr haha and i kept calling her bt no respond and she tot i was some other random onefiver O.o haha played with jianing sth from tian cai chong chong chong quite funny. xiaoyang: beishi /me: wo yang de! haha cuz i dunno wat to say. and we took many pics la and in the end me shannon and celeste carried one chair to the canteen. haha naughty xiao yang ran away. met joey and her frend halfway and she wanted to zhuang me! bad bad ghoul XD greeted the sec 4s and didn't expect them to turn around and smile haha so nice! :) and then drng lunch the PE depart locked so cant take ropes and i and jiaen were stoning at the netball court seeing snrs play and finally chuan ling and geraldine came haha bt i went to buy the NYSC drink. haha i was the last customer=500th and the counsellors wanted me to take picture with the I LOVE NY thing bt i dont want XD hahas cuz i scared latr take liao one day they presenting sth or wat then go put the pic there then i will be vry paiseh one=) drink was quite nice! gt back LA compre and summary. quite happy la cuz i nv fail. last time my compre gt 8/20! abt scarlet ibis one:( yay tmr getting geog! wah finally after so much dragging. yay i going to eat crabby latr! so happy=D
{ 1:17 AM }
Hello! haha shall try to lengthen my post=) hehe today was the shifting of the tables! haha so tiring la cuz shannon went to do her 3.2 and i help her=D so i was carrying two tables down the stairs bt i cant even see the stairs... pro chuan ling carry down so fast and i was stuck there blocking the way.haha and there was this paper there and i slipped! haha the tables were falling and i was falling too la. lucky nv roll downXD met nice amanda and she help me. and LA lesson was cart wheel haha slack lesson! i continued writing my muahahahahaha on my notepad and slept after tt. i was awaken every five minutes. first was cuz junqi wanted to tell me she finished reading her book. ahhh scare me i tot teacher saw me sleeping.second one shannon ask audrey go wake me up. and third time i wake up myself=D
today there was the singing thing again. on the way there, suyi went to poke me! ahh i a bit xia dao leh and i started to poke suyi and suying haha and both of them attacked me! ran away la. wah it is like so crowded the whole school there. haha when u stop to listen the tune is vry nice! i only remember one part which was wei lai... and super high one=D heard chunhui singing! haha was quite nice la XD
I greeted one snr worngly today cuz when me and chuan ling going down stairs the sec3s were moving their tables up and suddenly chuan ling greeted and i turn to my left and greet bt she was nt a snr! ahhh so pai seh
trng was quite fun la and poor xuyue who was refiling water bottle scalded her hand with the hot water. she tot tt it was cold water! ahh i was like "tt one is hot water" and she gang gang hao press the thing and scalded her hand. mus be vry pain... and today the three rounds seeem vry exhausting cuz i have stitch=( we played half court then full court. i was defending ghoul joey and suddenly we heard one woo hoo the sound out of nowhere! ahh so scared cuz now is qi yue i tink and i heard tt this time ghosts will be wandering around...i tink i was nt pushing myself today haish and trning ended with ms chang tellling us abt confidence in our teamates and other stuffs which were quite true la bt i stone through most of itXD haha and nice nice junqi,amanda,chunhui waited for me for sooooo long. haha put poor chunhui's bag at the bottom gt birdshit! haha and she say she just washed it yesterdy! she can wash it again bt i wonder how the birdshit gt to the bottom of her bag! haha and in the bus we had a nice convo. bought bubble tea from each-a-cup and walked home with chunhui. hahas and yunxin was telling me tt suyi was crazy and suyi told me tt yunxin had an obsession!
yay going to support singapore against brunei this friday!sth gt to do with ASEAN. haha and we must cheer for singapore! use nanyang style : singapore *clapclap* singapore *clapclap* is like nanyang go almost everywhere to support will use this de.=D
i wan to buy the drink NYSC make seems nice bt today the queue too long so nv go drink... today lab was quite fun bt i accidentally but the aga which was only supposed to spread out the bacteria.haha now it is heated in the incubator!=D
haha shall go and sleep now*blinkblink*
{ 6:06 AM }
yay tmr is school! is nt tt i like school is cuz staying at home is vry boring and in school i get to see my friends:) haha there is trng tmr! i like trngs although they are tiring. haish poor shannon called me more than 30 times telling me she can go out with me to np bt i forget to bring my phone...so sorry bt then my mum dun alllow me go=( sad and my labtop is infected with the photoalbum virus and now sent for repair.ahhhh all my games inside so now i must download again! lucky still have counterstrike=D vry fun! the weather now vry cooling-nice to sleep bt i dun feel like cuz when i sleep it is vry vry long and latr at night i cant sleep=(
i'm bored...
{ 10:53 PM }
hello again! i am determined to post sth everyday bt this post will be a bit short. today nt much to post abt cuz i nv go out and stay at home i going to bao zha.=( vry bored. changed song bt intend to change again cuz vry blurr. i suddenly felt like playing audition cuz o2jam sian alrady so i went to log in bt they say my acc was suspended! ahhhhhhhhhhhh and i forget my asiasoft password and pin! so i cant reuse my IC no and any kind soul can spare me her/his IC? and i went to check with yunxin abt the family tree she say i am her boy-friend haven marry so nt in family tree. haha. bt the family tree is all band de so does nt matter =D hehheh had spring chicken for dinner nice nice. the way the chicken was fried was vry cute! looks more like a frog actuallyXD and the photoalbum thing make my com hang so many times and i was innocent for junqi's snr lost of document worth 12k words=( lucky she nt angry bt i feel guilty... i haven do my hm yet bt i dont feel like doing...haha joey is a big fan of my blog she tag so many times alrady haha ghoul joey is nice=D i shall tag at her tagboard more often=D
{ 6:10 AM }
Hello! yay i shall post abt yesterday! went out with my dear dear shannonXD! haha naughty junqi dun wan come even she can make it lor. waste my smses! haha jus jk=p. We went to watch rush hour 3 at cathay at causeway point. wah in the end we only managed to get the tickets which were super near the screen(third row) haha bt shannon's brother and friends sit second row even worst! we bought popcorn and sprite.nicenice. durung advert, i suddenly realised that there was this blank black scary space on my right! ahhhh i was vry scared la so i lean vry close to shannon. then she say "latr people tot we lesbians ah" haha so i lean further a little bit bt lucky the show started. so damn nice and funny la. so ke xi junqi nv come. then movie ended at 4 so we went arcade! haha me and shannon spent our money on HOUSE OF DEAD 4. wah we shake and shoot until our hands vry suan bt it was nice=) then i went to shannon hse and played basketball with some guyz which we dont noe. bt it super fun larh me ending up pink-colour-shirt de and shannon orange-colour-shirt de! i shall post sth abt ghoul joey since she posted sth abt me! haha! this part is officially dedicated to joey. WE ARE SINGAPORE SINGAPOREAN!xD haha nice convo with her abt ____=D haish this whole holiday nth to do stay at home vry bored... and junqi i was actually yunxin's daughter how come now i become out of the family tree? U cheat my feelings! now no family warmth...=( nvm i shall ask yunxin to adopt me then i kick u out =p and yr dear mianjun dun like the name xiao mian quack so wat shld i call her?
{ 7:18 AM }
Hello!Yay this is my first post!=D the previous one was by JUNmonkey! haha she created this blog! so nice<33 and she say she spent 1/2 hour looking for this skin and 1/2 hour editing! woah! and she help me link everybody! hahas this post is dedicated to her! creator of this blog!=D
{ 6:40 AM }
Hello everyone!
{ 6:40 PM }